Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

Post by Tanner »

The Captain Woodshed this week was super! Any other ones of him spanking female criminals? ( Not interested in M/M)
The ideal superhero, punches out the bad guys and turns the bad gals over his knee and spanks them.
What a delightful thought, an arrogant female head of a criminal enterprise getting spanked in front of her gang members.
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Re: Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

Post by web-ed »

Glad you liked it, Tanner! Captain Woodshed is my favorite cartoon of Dan's. I don't know if he ever drew another CW - I'll try to send him a note and ask. If not, maybe he can be convinced to do a new one. I am sure he hasn't drawn any of CW that are M/M, because Dan only does M/F.

This might be be the right place and time for me to explain why I've featured so much F/M and M/M stuff lately - I almost feel I should be apologizing for doing so. Basically, I've boxed myself in with my interviews and ongoing research projects. With the interviews (which I may resume in the future if I can find the time), I felt I had to present a variety of artists and, in the case of those artists who drew spankings of varying orientations, to present all those orientations so that the readers could see a fair sampling of the artist's work. To have done otherwise would have been misleading.

With the comics, I have lately embarked upon a project of going through as many Golden Age stories as I can in search of new spankings. Of course my hope was that these would either be romantic M/F or, if the spanker was a superhero, would be like the Captain Woodshed one where a female villain gets it in the end. So far, I have found only one in that mold (Firebrand / female gang member, which someone else did post on the net first although I found it independently). Rather to my dismay, I have come across numerous F/M and M/M episodes in the adventures of the Marvel Family and Plastic Man. The one M/F I discovered was the really brutal beating of a child, which I could not post although I logged it in the Data Base (where historical or sociological researchers might make use of it).

So should I post the F/M and M/M ones or not? In most cases, these were new finds (to the best of my knowledge) that had never appeared on the net before - Marvel Family spanks Krugg, for example. Finding them required me to sift through more than six thousand pages of comics (and still counting). I haven't been perfectly consistent, but basically I've decided to go ahead and post all the superhero-involved ones (where the spankee was arguably grown), while with the non-super ones I've mostly been content to log them in the Data Base. In other words, Plastic Man spanking midget gangster will get posted, while the father /son and uncle / niece ones will not.

I've lumped F/M and M/M together in this discussion, which I probably shouldn't, but I'm trying not to discriminate unfairly. My personal reaction to these is that F/M always seems backwards, while M/M often seems gay. On the other hand, some F/M spankings are well done (for example the one from Mary Marvel #1), and some of the M/M ones are humorous or so weird that they're worth looking at, even though I can't imagine anyone actually finding them exciting or interesting. This is especially true of the DC stuff (e.g., The Creeper spanking a street punk).

Finally, those are my tastes only, which are not universal. Of course, I don't have to post anything I don't like, and yet I feel some obligation to those who, like yourself, take the time to come in and look around my site, whether they agree with my tastes or not. I have no doubt the vast majority are like you and I, and want to see mainly M/F or F/F spankings, but a fair number probably like or are at least o.k. with F/M, with a tiny few (which doesn't mean they don't count) who like M/M.

I went on for too long again (sigh). I better go send that note to Dan before I forget....
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

Post by jimc »

i know of at least 4 Captain Woodshed as i think he(Dan) was commisioned to do a whole series. Personnally i prefer m/f or f/f as my preference, but i always say you do have to be fair and show the others for those that enjoy that type of material. Great finds on on all your latest posts. It is always neat to see different artists renditions of classic charactors (blondie) and i hope you continue that type of series. Your research is most excellent. I had seen all the morrice ones that you posted, but i had seen them with french subtitles so it is fun to see them in english to see what was actually being said as i do not understand french;although i do have to also admit i have seen different captions for most of the spanking panels that i have seen over the years. I am glad to see you are putting out the Brenda Starr spanking ( i think that there were 3 or 4 in that series as well.) Also you may want to remind everyone that Brenda is on a commision wish list for a most spankable heroine and see if any of the new artists you have interviewed might be intrested in showcasing their talent with wish lists of their own.
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Re: Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

Post by web-ed »

I sent Dan a note to see if he was interested in doing any more Captain Woodshed. Thanks for reminding me about the Brenda Starr poll - I have a 2nd and 3rd spankings from the strip, and I'll mention the poll when I post them (not sure yet if it will make it in this week or have to wait until 7/09). There may have been even more spankings from Brenda, but unfortunately I don't have them.
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Realized I have 3 Brenda Starr's instead of just 2.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

Post by daneldorado »

Hi there, web-ed. I just now read your message of June 30, where you say you sent a note to Dan about drawing any new Captain Woodshed toons. I'm Dan, and I don't think I received that message.

The answer would be this: No, I'm not drawing entire comic strips any more, because they are a lot of work to do and require a lot of thought besides. I don't mind doing the work, but I used to get paid for Capt. Woodshed, Sam Swatt, and Spanky Sal... my three "spanking toon" series. Since the Internet took over and put print media out of business, my former publishers no longer buy drawings.

However, I do have all my originals, so if you want to see a particular comic strip from my three "franchises," just say the word.

Dan N.
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Captain Woodshed, Same Swatt, and Spanky Sal

Post by web-ed »

Hi Dan,

I sent you the note in the form of a PM on Chross's bulletin board in my guise as "OTKUGO66", but I did not identify myself as the CSR Web-Ed, nor did I publish your reply here so my thanks for explaining to the readers of this forum what the situation is.

I certainly understand why you don't undertake all the work of drawing new cartoons since the print market for them no longer exists. As Dr. Samuel Johnson once said, "No one but a blockhead ever wrote for anything but money" - a saying I remind myself of every time I give away my writing for free. If I had any money, I'd certainly add a new Captain Woodshed installment to the CSR commission list. Unfortunately, the recession has left me nearly destitute and CSR loses money every month since I don't accept any ads. I saw your recent CW post on Chross - it was good to see the Captain in (spanking) action again!

I appreciate your offer to share your work from Capt. Woodshed, Sam Swatt, and Spanky Sal, especially since I don't have any more of these in my files (although I might still have a printed copy of one Sam Swatt somewhere). I'm sure all the readers of this forum would love to see them. There are three ways we can do this:

1. You can upload an attachment to a post right here.
2. You can send them to me, let me upload them to the CSR server (or you could put them on Image Titan), then once you have the URL's you could link to them from a post here (I think there may be a 2-URL limit per post).
3. You can send them to me, let me upload them to the CSR server and build new webpages "around" them. (That's how all the webpages on CSR except this forum and the Comics Spanking Data Base are constructed, by the way - the images are all files in the same directory as the HTML code for the page. You can actually access any of the images from your browser as long as you know the URL, which you can get from the page's code, although there's not much advantage in doing so since you can always just save the images while browsing the page.) This would require the least amount of effort on your part.

Please let me know what your preference is and we can get the ball rolling.

Thanks! :)
-- Web-Ed
Dan N.

Re: Captain Woodshed-2 thumbs up

Post by Dan N. »

Hi OTKU... Yeah, I do remember answering your message to the Chross board. I didn't realize you were the same guy. And I think you revealed your "real" name, at least the one you posit as your real name. I do the same thing.

In looking over your Forum here on CSR, I am struck by something I have seen on ONLY ONE other site, a site I no longer visit. And it's this:

WHY is it that one can post a message here, but we cannot edit it or delete it afterwards? As I said, it's highly unusual for an Internet forum to allow messages, but deny the privilege of changing one's mind after he or she has posted something. Am I wrong? Am I missing the proper button to push?

For example, say I post THIS MESSAGE, then in reading it over, I realize I've misstated something, or misspelled a word (or two). HOW do I go about editing my message to correct the mistake(s)?

Dan N.
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Editing and Deleting Posts

Post by web-ed »


I agree that it is most annoying to be unable to edit or delete one's own post, and I often edit my own stuff. Here on the CSR forum, you can do this, but only if you're a registered user. You did this last post as "Dan N.", which is why you can't edit it. Your earlier post was under your registered name of "daneldorado". If you sign in, you should see Edit and Delete ("X") buttons within the horizontal boundaries of any daneldorado post. It should look something like this screen print:
Screen print showing Edit and Delete buttons.
Screen print showing Edit and Delete buttons.
screen print.GIF (77.01 KiB) Viewed 5091 times
Note that you will not see these buttons for the "Dan N." post, because "Dan N." is considered a (welcome) guest, while "daneldorado" is a registered user (the buttons always appear for every post on my screen because I'm the administrator).

Now, why do I restrict the permissions this way? Because of nutcases, human spammers, and spambots. Guests are allowed to read all posts and add their own, plus create polls, but they are not allowed to edit anything. Honestly, I feel this is the best I can do as even with these restrictions I've had some real trouble with spammers, false alerts, and so on. Some sites are even more restrictive, for example The Artastic Forum, although Chross is not.

Try this out and let me know if you have any problems. And if you do want the "Dan N." post edited, you'll have to send me a note indicating what changes you want and I'll be glad to make them for you. I'm the only one who can edit guest posts. Or as a alternative, you could copy the "Dan N." post as a "daneldorado" post, which you can edit as much as you want, then have me delete the "Dan N." one - tricky, but it would work!
-- Web-Ed
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