Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
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Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

Tanner suggested that we have a topic dedicated to commenting on each week's updates, so here it is. I'll post a weekly "reply" in which I'll briefly set forth the week's updates, to which everyone is encouraged to respond.
-- Web-Ed
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Updates for 11/05/2010

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page - the two-URL-per-post limit prevents me from repeating them all here].
  • Wonder Woman after spanking - not the first time for this super-heroine! Good drawing by Jun deFelipe, given the Doctor Cylon treatment.
  • Last year one of the Zimmerman/Doc Cylon collaborations featured a fishnet-costumed young lady touching her toes, to which Doc Cylon had added an animated paddle. More recently he did an after-paddling version, which has now been added.
  • Homer spanking cartoon with a lady "paddled" out on a lake, unusual in that the spankee isn't smiling - does she like the spanking? Perhaps she does but is too embarrassed to admit it.
  • I don't think there is a more significant comic-book spanking than the Spirit spanking Ellen. Spiritworks recently unveiled a lovely embellished version, and there's no way I wasn't going to add it to the page where I already had pretty much every other version ever published, including reprints. This one reminds us what the essence of spanking really is.
  • Most of us prefer M/F spanking but are o.k. with F/F. The best F/F strip spanking I have seen is from Mr. Rumbles, because so much emphasis is placed on the spanking. This is far superior to scenes in which the spanking comes out of nowhere, layout-wise, and is sometimes given a dinky little panel instead of a nice big one that lets us relish the spanking (like the Spirit splash page mentioned above).
  • The first in a series of new discoveries - spoiled heiress Doris gets spanked by long-suffering boyfriend Stan in Judy of the Jungle. This one's unusual because the spanking does not begin a new and happier phase of the couple's relationship, as often happens - they separate, which is kind of sad, but probably for the best. This is also one of what we'll call "girl spanked in the jungle" to distinguish it from "Jungle Girl spanked" which is something we've always wanted to see - and we will, just three weeks from now! :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

What a great week's posting!
A great Wonder Woman, in all her callipygian glory. BTW, "callipygian" for those who may not know, is derived from a Greek word meaning "beautiful buttocks" and WW certainly has those.
Have to speculate on what might have been used on her.Hand? Paddle(my favorite implement if one is to used in a cartoon)? Brush?
Having her in a thong is an interesting twist. Now I am sure some would have preferred her to be completely barebutted, or getting it over her regular spangled shorts(which have gotten skimpier over the years) but the idea of her deciding to forsake her regular garb for a thong and getting a paddle applied to her nearly naked buttocks is simply delicious.
Here's my thought on thongs. A woman wearing a thong is making a statement along the lines of "look at my ass" or "I like to show my ass". What she might be thinking is "I am asking for a good spanking."
Never get enough of WW spankings. Both M/F and F/F are fine. To me, if its a gorgeous pair of female buttocks, the gender of the spanker simply doesnt matter.
How about a double spanking for her in that thong? First a male superhero hand spanks her and then she runs into a villainess or another superheroine who uses a paddle on her. A final panel might well show her standing up eating a meal off the mantelpiece!

I've seen that "paddle me out in the middle of the lake" one around before. If anyone remembers the Mitch Miller Show on TV sometimes they sang a song called "Paddling Madeline Home." One verse ran "I hug her and kiss her and paddle some more." What a great double entendre! Can just see him swatting Madeline with the canoe paddle.

That Spirit cover must be the most reprinted of all comics spanking, judging from the number that have appeared over the years.

The build-up to the Judy of the Jungle spanking was very good even if the artwork reproduction from microfiche was not of the best quality. Actually liked the idea of him first spanking her and then dumping her,just drove home farther the point that for once she did not get her way. Thought did occur on seeing the last panel that "must not have been much of a spanking since it shows her sitting down insteading of standing and rubbing her bottom"!
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Updates for 11/12/2010

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].
  • The Paddlings of Penelope Pitstop - Doctor Cylon never tires of paddling Penelope, and neither do we!
  • Army veteran spanks wife - Veterans Day-themed spanking material is hard to come by, so take a look at what may be the only example.
  • Homer paddle spanking - as the cartoon series winds down, we see the only time we're aware of that Homer used a paddle.
  • Oxken, who literally put the face on the "Captain Marvel Spanks Wildcat" panel, streamlined the Saint #5 spanking panel to let us concentrate on its essentials. These are two of the more important comic book spanking panels, as CM only spanked one other female and The Saint #5 is one of The Seven Spankings. What will Oxken tackle next? Your guess is as good as ours, but if he does it, we'll print it.
  • Every now and then, Cc adds another episode to her series "Avoiding Domestic Discipline", and then we add it to the ADD page.
  • Barbarella - rotten movie, but good spanking in the original French comics version even though it's not Barbarella herself getting spanked. Maybe it's just as well - if it had been Barbarella, and then Jane Fonda had gotten spanked in the movie version, we'd probably have to see the the scene running on political-themed websites to this day!
  • Oaky Doaks - interesting early strip spanking brought to light by Dave Wolfe, unusual in having so many separate and distinct OTK panels.
  • Candy - this was featured on SpankingPanels.com earlier in the year. A pretty good example of a teen humor comic spanking, at least as good as the known examples from Archie. We'll see two more from this strip, but this is the best of the bunch.
  • Dickie Dean, the Boy Detective is not exactly the kind of feature you'd expect to find a spanking in. But we did, and it's the best we've seen from Lev Gleason Publications. Female spies certainly deserve the OTK treatment, and with a name like Spano, she's a natural spankee!
  • Boom has favored this forum with his own comic strip, O.T. Katie, beginning this week. Be sure to check it out!
  • Hosting O.T. Katie has already paid dividends - upon seeing it again, Dan Rivera was inspired to post some of his Spanky Sal work. See it along with Katie in the Comic Book Spanking Forum.
  • The Comics Spanking Data Base passed the 250-mark this week. Honestly, we're tired of all the F/M and especially M/M scenes we're finding (many involving children and 14 just in Dell so far!), but that's the way the hairbrush falls. Remember that you can filter out everything that's not M/F by using the search function, a feature we designed into the DB that makes us happier week by week.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

well done as always web-ed. I love your finds, your commentary and how you display everything. I do have to bring up a slight correction for the data base. in the Winnie Winkle one you say that Perry got spanked by his pretty mother and that was Winnie herself somehow and i never understood this one because she was the older sister, but she was the one in charge of disciplining her brother even though her parents were still alive. Her father was supposed to work on a railroad and her mother worked at a garment factory i think as in in later series her parents lived in the same house with her (as comic strips have an unusual aging system (she was 19 or 20 when the series began in the twenties (as she was a flapper) and yet was in her 40's when the series ended in the 70's and her brother was supposed to be 5 or six yet in the later series she was just a few years older than him not more than 5 or six years apart. Winnie was in a poll several years ago i believe when you first created the data base that asked what comic strip charactors should be commisioned to be drawn getting a spanking and i believe she came in 3rd (Brenda Starr was 1st). So thanks for all the research and sharing all you find even though alot is (m/m) and (f/m) not my preference and thank you for identifying them as such so it can be avoided if that is your preference. Have a great day.
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Winnie Winkle, and Other Things

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for the correction, Jim, and your continued support. I'll make the corrections in the Data Base. It's interesting that Winnie was put in charge of Perry's discipline - getting spanked by his sister could certainly mess a boy up. I wish there were more Dell reprints of Winnie Winkle available, because then I could become more familiar with the strip and possibly find some more spankings.

Speaking of which, I'm still going to post that spanking of Winnie's sister Wendy as I work my way alphabetically through the accumulated strips (we're just about through the P's now as the remaining Phantom ones will be posted next week).

Honestly, I'm awfully tired of the F/M and M/M myself, and I have no plans to post any more in the foreseeable future. The Great Golden Age Search was largely responsible, as it yielded dozens of the these. As this search continues, any future F/M would have to be pretty good for me to post it (like another undiscovered scene with a costumed superheroine), and any M/M would have to be more of what I've categorized as "Weird". In either case, it would be some months before I'd consider them - we all need a rest!

By the way, it was Dan Rivera's suggestion that the F/M and M/M stuff get labeled, and it seems to have been a popular idea.
-- Web-Ed
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Updates for 11/19/2010

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

Lots of milestones: this board turns 1 year old in a couple of days; the Comics Spanking Data Base has passed 250 (now at 263 spankings!); and our Playlist of Paddlings on YouTube now has 100 videos. Now on to the updates:
  • Variations on Veronica's spanking - courtesy of Doctor Cylon.
  • A Beach Bawl as two more animations are added to the original. Art by Julius Zimmerman, animation by Doctor Cylon.
  • Two more spankings added to Cheerleader Spanking Stories.
  • Homer Provence series concludes with another composite - someone reworked Homer's figures to give us a brand-new spanking.
  • Dottie Gets Spanked - this was the title of an actual movie which we haven't yet seen. Just a couple of stills.
  • Strip spankings continues with a F/F professor/student scene from Penthouse Magazine.
  • Candy gets the hairbrush from her father in the 3rd installment of that series.
  • An actress gets spanked in the jungle - not quite a jungle girl spanking, but it's close, and it appears here for the first time on the Web.
  • I re-edited the best public paddling in the Hofbrauhaus I have yet seen (this is the finest of the 100 on the playlist) to present just the essentials: Three Girls, Three Swats! These are attractive girls who each gets a swat after downing her shot. Some really nice after-the-swat rubbing - yep, they felt it all right! This is definitely worth seeing even if you don't like the entire playlist (which has a lot of F/M stuff). It's pure M/F spanking fun!
  • Dan Rivera and Boom keep posting more of Spanky Sal and O.T. Katie, respectively. Don't miss these great strips, right here in the Comic Book and Superhero Spanking Forum.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Many thanks, Web-Ed, for posting those yummy Weekly Updates.

I'm especially gratified to see the recognition you've given to Dottie Gets Spanked (1993), a short film by director Todd Haynes. I have this one on VHS, and rather than being a laughable spankfest, the film tells the tender story of a 6-year-old boy who, having no friends at school, immerses himself in watching TV, especially the weekly "The Dottie Show."

The TV show is an all-too-obvious satire on I Love Lucy, which ruled the CBS airwaves in the 1950s and 1960s. If you recall, Lucy (Lucille Ball) was a beautiful, red-headed housewife who kept getting into sticky situations. In four (4) of those "sticky situations," she wound up getting spanked by her handsome co-star and true-life husband, Desi Arnaz.

In Haynes' short film, the 6-year-old boy, Stevie, wins a contest for a trip to the television studio to watch a taping of "The Dottie Show." The program turns out to be one of those episodes where Dottie, the Lucy clone, gets into hot water and gets spanked by her husband (played by Adam Arkin). The scene is very antiseptic, made even more so when the actress playing Dottie (Julie Halston) complains to the set manager that the set-up for the spanking is not quite right. She demands that they put a wedge under the couch, to elevate her to the "proper" level.

They take care of the logistics, and soom Arkin is "spanking" his on-screen wife -- although we can see that the swats don't really land very hard, if at all. They'll take care of adding the sound effects later.

But the impact the scene makes on Stevie's psyche is intense, and it is devastating. Later, at home, he draws a picture of Dottie getting spanked. But, feeling guilty, he goes into the back yard and buries it. And I remember that's pretty much the way I dealt with my own first spanking drawings. I destroyed hundreds of them, before I got comfortable enough with the "scene" to mingle with like-minded spankos.

So, Dottie Gets Spanked might be an important learning tool for youngsters who are just experiencing their first yearnings to spank or be spanked. The initial guilt is probably inevitable; but with society becoming more and more comfortable with this type of entertainment, sooner or later we grow up and leave all that guilt behind.

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Childhood Recollection & Dottie Gets Spanked

Post by web-ed »


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Dottie Gets Spanked, and your personal recollections. I hope lots of people read them. I may eventually post the spanking scene from the film, but as you point out, the impact the scene made on Stevie's psyche is far more important.
-- Web-Ed
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Updates for 11/26/2010

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].
  • Bottom-Broken Rulers - Doctor Cylon breaks 4 rulers on deserving bottoms!
  • Anticipation of Spanking - a bad girl must bend over to receive her punishment. Art by Julius Zimmerman.
  • Dan DeCarlo's famous hill-girl spanking - modeled on Daisy Mae from Li'l Abner. We had posted this some time ago. Boom came up with an improved scan.
  • Frank Beaven series begins - this will be a short series, as we don't think Beaven did many spanking cartoons, but they're certainly worth seeing.
  • Five Spankings from The Phantom - one super-hero who never disappoints when it's time to take a misbehaving female down a peg. Two double-spankings and one single!
  • Ted Paddles Candy - this is pretty silly, but it makes us think of what might have been if Harry Sahle had taken more care with his spanking panels and had drawn his characters more consistently.
  • Kaanga spanks his mate Ann and a jungle-meddler named Betty - the first true Jungle Girl spanking ever discovered! Exciting news, although we wish the spanking panels had been larger so as to place more emphasis on the spankings themselves. The plot makes no sense, and was completely rewritten years later to remove both spankings. Links are provided so both complete versions can be downloaded.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Another great week of postings. That Phantom one with the lady in the leopard dress I had not seen. It might well be fan art.
Hope you can find the last panels of the Marshall sisters one. Would assume it would be on a newspaper that ran the Sunday strip.
Years ago libraries actually had bound volumes of newspapers instead of microfilm. Thats where I came across these Phantom strips, all from the 1940s I believe. Wonder if there were any later spankings, like in the 1950s.
The Sky Band were a group of female bandits, who got captured by the Phantom. As we saw, the two leaders made an escape attempt and ended up with richly-deserved sore bottoms!
The Hill Girl one was interesting. I also seem to recall seeing another version of it where she is getting spanked over a pair of cheeky cutoff shorts instead of a Daisy Mae skirt.
Glad to finally see the jungle girl spanking. But I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about the bloopers in the story. Could he not see that this was a blonde, and not his girlfriend?
Wish they'd done a better job of showing Betty's bottom getting spanked in that abbreviated costume. Speaking of that,too bad that when Anne got spanked she had more protection, wearing Betty's clothes. She was the one that really deserved to be spanked in that skimpy outfit which would have provided but little protection.
On another subject, you mentioned Dell Comics(which later I believe became Gold Key). In the 50s they had a lot of Westerns and Adventure comics-Jungle Jim was one. Wonder if there might not be some spankings in some of them.
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Re: 11/26 Updates

Post by web-ed »

Glad you liked the Phantom spankings, Tanner! The Phantom is one super-hero who has never disappointed us, spanking-wise - he spanks the high-born and the plain folk (as long as they deserve it), and he does so with gusto! I do have one source for old Phantom strips, but only a few of them, and I haven't had any time to pursue them because of my ongoing Golden Age search. But I won't forget to look for those later panels with the Marshall sisters, along with any other spankings that might still be unknown.

The other version of the Daisy Mae spanking you're remembering could be one of two: Funbun took this one and drew in some shorts which he then pulled down(!), and DeCarlo did a very similar one in which her dress is pulled up to reveal some hot pants-like drawers. The first of these is on the same page with the new scan, so I figure you're thinking of the second one, which will be posted when I do my next DeCarlo series. I've got plenty of material, but haven't decided whether to begin it before or after I clear out a lot of other stuff in the files.

Dell was indeed a major producer, but I have only been able to search that portion of their output which is in the Public Domain. I found only one good M/F spanking, from a Captain Easy reprint which will be posted and logged in the future (the others have already been logged in the Comics Spanking Data Base and can be located using the search function, but will not be posted). The question of possible comic book spankings which remain undiscovered after the GA search is completed, including any from Dell, is one I'll take up at that time - right now, I don't have any good post-GA search plan.

And I almost forgot: as you say, Ann's Jungle Girl outfit provided "but little protection". Or with a little word-play, it provided "very little butt protection"!
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add a little word-play.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates 12/03

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page]
  • I Dream of (Spanking) Jeannie - Doc Cylon takes us on a trip through TV nostalgia with the aid of Julius Zimmerman.
  • Updated the old Futurama Spanking.
  • A Spanking Encyclopedia - a fine work of scholarship.
  • Frank Beaven Birthday Spanking - learn more about this artist and how we discovered who he was as we see a birthday spanking given "accidentally" on the wrong day.
  • Popeye Spanks Olive - a natural strip pairing.
  • More spanking in the jungle as Captain Terry Thunder applies a wild-looking paddle to a wild girl in need of taming!
Finally, Dan Eldorado and Boom are still posting more of their work over on the Comic-Book and Superhero forum - don't miss it!
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add reminder.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

5 big stars this week for the Jeannie spanking! The pic of Barbara Eden in those sexy pink panties was a welcome bonus.
The Terry Thunder fell short by not showing the actual spanking. And I agree that was a weird-looking paddle. On the other hand, very rare to see comics spankings involving an implement, usually the hand.
The perfect comics spanking? One that has 3 parts: The leadup and background to the spanking. The actual spanking. The Aftermath,where it is shown that the girl has learned her lesson, perhaps bottom rubbing or sitting on a pillow.
Speaking of shows like Jeannie, saw somewhere long time ago that there were some spankings on Bewitched. maybe someone has more info.
Keep up the great work.
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Humorama Treasure Trove Discovered

Post by web-ed »

Glad you liked them, Tanner. I agree with you about the perfect comics spanking having three parts (and in fact, I think this would apply to spankings in other media as well) - (1) a good build-up, or lead-in, that gives the motivation for the spanking, sets the mood, and lets us see a determined spanker and a nervous, worried spankee; (2)the actual spanking (don't leave home without it); (3) the awesome aftermath, with a) sitting on pillow, b) verbal admission that her bottom is still smarting, or c) rueful rubbing, which is a non-verbal admission that her bottom is still smarting. I have to agree also that the Capt. Thunder scene fell short by this standard; however, very few comic spankings would measure up, and the anticipatory positioning was excellent. It's not too hard to imagine that strange-looking paddle being applied with vigor!

When you think about it, even the classic Spirit spanks Ellen falls short by this criterion because while phases 1 & 2 are excellent, phase 3 is missing (no bottom rubbing). I haven't done a survey, but from memory I would guess that most of the comic-book spankings in the gallery are missing one or two of the three parts. Perhaps only the Phantom was consistently excellent in giving us all three parts.

Now a new announcement that I hope will be of interest and that I didn't want to hold back until January: I have just come into possession of a treasure trove of Humorama cartoon spankings clipped from the original publications! Many of these have already been posted in the Humor Section, a small number have been seen elsewhere and were already in my files waiting for me to get to them, but there's a fair number that I have never seen anywhere and that I'm really excited about! I don't think there are any new ones from Dan DeCarlo, but there are two from Homer and several each of Ward, Wenzel, and Stiles, plus some from lesser-known artists. I will start scanning this material shortly and expect to begin posting it early in 2011.
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correct typos.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

Great finds as always web-ed, congrats on finding more of the humorama and old time spanking artists they are always exciting to see. Your comment about fan art was incorrect on the popeye spanking that you had posted as that had been the cover used on a french book about comics many year ago. Speaking of Popeye he is probally one of the most prolific spankers in all of the comic strips. One of the 1st ones i saw was where he spanked a waitress for disrespecting the uniform and this was way before he even became involved with Olive Oyl. There were many spankings to Olive (she was once spanked by a neighbor that thought she was a maid), Seahag, Alice the goon, Jeep, Popeye, Sweepea, Pappy and the nephews and others as well. Your comments about a full spanking lead up, spanking and after spanking made me think of several where Seahag was spanked (one line was " I can't strike a woman, but i can sure spank them if they need it." The next frame shows Seahag over Popeye's lap getting a really hard spanking and then next she is seen with several pillows tied around her waist to protect her bottom. Great find on another Jungle spanking i had not ever seen any of those and i thought i was pretty much on top of most of the strips that had spanking, but that is what your site has always excelled in finding those lost treasures and sharing them. Congrats again on a job well done.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Wolfie138 »

just a qucikie, not worth a thread on its own, but i think there's a typo in the comic DB list. the "two gun kid" entry says it's from issue #5, but this site has a cover scan showing #3.
http://spankoz.blogspot.com/2009/11/mor ... 40f66db4ba
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One for Two

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, I really wasn't sure about it - it did look authentic, but some of these fan artists can mimic the original artist's style to an uncanny degree. I'll have to go back and correct the impression that the first Popeye spanking is fan art.

Thanks for bringing this up - I definitely would like to be apprised of any errors in the Comic Spanking DB since I want it to be as authoritative as possible. This particular spanking has always occasioned some confusion, and in fact I myself used to believe that it came from issue #3. Further research based on a complete scan (which is no longer available from that particular source as it has since disappeared from the web) has convinced me that #5 is the correct issue. For proof, see my posting on the subject in Comics Gallery 2. Or blow up the splash page shown on the SpankOz blog you linked to - "#5" is clearly visible at the top of the page, though in small lettering so it might easily be missed.

I think the confusion stems from the story "Trail of the Owl-Hooter" in issue #3, which is easily mistaken for the spanking story "The Rider of the Owlhoot Trail" in issue #5. The fact that there are three separate incarnations of Two-Gun Kid probably doesn't help, either.
-- Web-Ed
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Updates for 12/10

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

Eight updates this week:
  • Updated version of the recently-posted Veteran's Day spanking, with further commentary.
  • Doc Cylon again modifies a drawing of Julius Zimmerman to answer a young lady's question, "How Bad Was My Spanking?"
  • Please Give Me Discipline is the title of a literary masterpiece.
  • A second book, Spank Me, Daddy.
  • Secretary Spanking by Stanley Rayon, his first cartoon in these pages.
  • Popeye spanks a disrespectful waitress - strip spanking #1.
  • Roy Rogers and his pal spank two reckless girls - strip spanking #2.
  • A comics version of Kiss Me Kate - Kate gets spanked on the bare!
  • Another Kate - Boom has posted some more of his strip O.T.Katie over in the Comic-Book Forum. If you like OTK spanking, you should be checking this out. If you don't, you shouldn't even be reading this! :D
  • Dan Eldorado contributes yet another full-length strip adventure, Sam Swatt on TV (also in the Comic-Book Forum) - don't miss this one! :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

I always look forward to your weekly updates, and appreciate that, in addition to posting the picture itself, you give us some well-researched historical info on who drew it, where it was originally published, etc.

Stanley Rayon, huh? I hadn't been aware before that he had ever drawn a spanking cartoon. That's a great find!
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