
Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Post by web-ed »

I've got a lot of Missed Opportunities in the files, and in general I'm going to post them under the topic of the same name, but because each superheroine probably deserves her own topic I've decided to start one for Zatanna and post this one here. It's taken from Lois Lane #132 (July 1973) - a strange place for Zatanna, when you come to think of it - and a little four-page story entitled "The Boy Who Never Smiled". This is a sub-category of Missed Opportunities we'll call "Pratfalls" for obvious reasons, and I do have quite a few more of them we'll be seeing in the future. They're not as good as spankings, but they're sort of fun :) and this one is exceptional for reasons we'll see shortly.

Cover of Lois Lane #132 (July 1973, Web-Ed's collection). Art by Bob Oskner (unusually moody for him). © DC Comics, Inc.

A boy is hospitalized with partial paralysis, so Zatanna is asked if she can get the boy to smile, which it is believed would help his morale. He proves a tough audience though, and despite her real magic powers, Zatanna fails to get a smile from the boy. However, he has a trick of his own in mind, and has rigged a stool to break as soon as Zatanna sits on it!

© DC Comics, Inc.

Zatanna lands right on her - well, we all know what a pratfall is - and Matty is so pleased he actually claps his hands with glee! :D Not only has his morale improved, but his paralysis is gone. If only this had been a spanking, he's really have something to clap about! And the best part is that Zatanna is trying to rub the smarting away, just as if she'd been spanked! Many of us aficionados just love to see some after-the-spanking rubbing! :D

Here's a closer look at the panel in isolation.

Story by Cary Bates; art by Art Saaf and Vince Colletta. © DC Comics, Inc.

This was near the end of the line for Lois Lane as a separate title. Though somewhat better than two other low-selling Superman-related titles, Supergirl and Jimmy Olsen, it was combined with them into Superman Family, the three characters rotating as the lead feature. We have all the issues, and there's nothing else of interest with Zatanna - in fact, we can't even remember now if she continued as a back-up feature for the last five issues of Lois Lane.

Zatanna has remained a part of the DC Universe all these years, always remaining eminently spankable in our view. See Spankable Superheroines over on the main site for a nice shot of Zatanna in spanking position. And if our fortunes ever improve, we have a few commission ideas involving Zatanna that we might some day be able to feature on CSR.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Zatanna

Post by hugob00m »

It seems like Zatanna would be a prime target for a spanking, with that costume she wears. A lot of fan art shows her getting spanked... but unfortunately, all of it I've ever seen has been F/F!

>Sigh!< Seeing her rub her bottom after a pratfall is better than nothing! Thanks for finding it!
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Zatanna re-captioned

Post by hugob00m »

Here's that same picture re-captioned... with a few stars too!
zatanna.jpg (39.86 KiB) Viewed 5867 times
What do you think?
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Re: Zatanna

Post by web-ed »

I personally love it, B00m! :D I think you did a really good job both with the pain stars and with preserving the appearance of the "white space" around the dialog. It's been a while since I did one of these fakes myself, and I found it very difficult not to simply remove all the old dialog with a "erase" function, leaving a pure white that didn't match old comics paper at all.

I also liked the caption promising "More Spankings" next month! If DC had tried that, they might have sold more copies :lol: !
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Zatanna

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Boom,

I too like your modifications to this one :D . I think web-ed has already made all the comments I wanted to. You've given us a girl rubbing her bottom with pain stars so what's not to like :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Zatanna Takes a Bow

Post by web-ed »

We're featuring a two-part Zatanna series over on the main site this week and next, so we decided to do a parallel two-part series here on the board. No spankings, but at least we have two fine examples of Zatanna bending over, we'd like to think for the paddle :twisted: .

Zatanna is a professional performer as well as a superheroine, so it's only right that she should take a bow every now and then. The late Julius Zimmerman evidently agreed, for he penciled this drawing in which Zatanna is obligingly bending at the waist (which we prefer to a curtsy, especially when Zatanna is facing away from us :lol: ). Of course, she's also lowering her panties (her fishnet stockings are nowhere in evidence), putting her in good paddling position:

Zatanna bends over!

This has all of Zimmerman's strengths and weaknesses: it's sexy as hell but the oversized boobs detract from the overall eroticism although they do contribute to the humor. I could not find any example of Doctor Cylon ever colorizing or animating this drawing, so I will send it to him shortly and see what he makes of it. The perspective is a little off, but the general effect(!) still shines through. Time for your swats, Zatanna! :D
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Re: Zatanna

Post by willjohn »

Like a big Jersey cow, isn't she? :?
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Re: Zatanna

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:Like a big Jersey cow, isn't she? :?
Yeah, I mean I don't understand what it was with Zimmerman and the enormous boobs. At times they're comical, but in a piece like this one where the focus is on the buttocks they're completely out of place (so to speak). Maybe Zimmerman saw too much of Bill Ward's later period when he (Zimmerman) was a young artist, say 40-45 years ago, although that was still early in Ward's late period. Zimmerman was probably around 25 in 1980 when Ward certainly did look as if he had "strapped two surplus graf zeppelins to a party doll" for a model, in the words of Chuck Fiala and someone else (his partner at The Comic Reader, whose name escapes me now), which means his style should already have been formed.

Anyway, Zimmerman's style is what it is.
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Zatanna Bends Over

Post by web-ed »

I don't know who the artist is here, but he did a great job! :D Zatanna bends over into wonderful position: head up, back arched, ass up and presented to the paddle.

Zatanna bends over - 'nuff said! :lol: © DC Comics, Inc.
-- Web-Ed
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