Threats and Missed Opportunities

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:Yes, you got that right: Wonder Woman says that the entire sorority deserves a spanking! Now if only she'd actually followed up on it. Can you picture Etta over WW's knee getting what she deserves with a dozen girls lined up behind her waiting their turn? As it is, we're left dreaming about the the mass-spanking (maybe even a mass-paddling) that could have been, right up there with the one from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
...And it would've been even better if a male character in the story had overheard Wonder Woman's comment and decided to take matters into his own hands! Perhaps the dean that Etta mentioned, the one who let them off, instead of doing what needed to be done. Or maybe one of the cops who arrested the bad guys. (I'm just guessing that there must've been some cops called to arrest the bad guys, even though no cops or bad guys are shown in those particular panels.)
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More Fun With Bulletgirl

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Bulletgirl has appeared in this forum before - sorry I don't have the links handy, and we can only do two in a post anyway, but you can always search on the CSR Home Page with the Google search box. I always wanted to see her spanked, but I'm not sure we should attach any special significance to that, as I wanted to see just about every superheroine spanked. Still, there may have been something special about Bulletgirl: she never seemed very bright, and it made me want to see Bulletman spank some sense into her.

At this point, I have gone through all or nearly all of Bulletman's adventures, and it looks like Bulletgirl never got spanked. She did, however, get her bottom warmed by an unusual method, and will see that scene in a moment, as soon as we get through some preliminary groping.

From Master Comics #74.

I really think the intention here was innocent - sometimes even the most capable artists, under deadline pressure, don't see the implications of what they've drawn. I don't remember now whether the ghostly figure shown on the splash page was intended to be expressionistic or not - probably it was - but either way, it would've been better if the second finger of his right hand had not been curling around Bulletgirl's bosom.

Now let's take a look at Master Comics #40 (July 1943), where Bulletgirl, by sitting down in the wrong place at the wrong time, probably wasn't able to sit down anywhere else for a while.

Bulletgirl needs a rest, and unwisely decides to sit down in a chair whose presence there should have seemed suspicious. Bulletman shouts a warning, but too late.


The chair had wires running to it, which should have set off alarm bells. The electric current does in fact get Bulletgirl's notice: the panel shows electric sparks coming off the chair's back, but as the wires are connected to the chair's seat and not its back that makes no sense. It's not Bulletgirl's back but another part of her anatomy which has come into contact with the chair, and the current is obviously now surging through Bulletgirl's buttocks! :o


Bulletman wastes no time coming to the rescue (I'd have waited a bit longer myself), and freed from the chair, Bulletgirl rubs the affected area and admits, "I'm sizzling!" Unfortunately, a very small panel was used to convey this important action, so it's hard to see any details.

Bulletgirl gets her seat sizzled in Master Comics #40.

No, it's not a spanking, but it's kind of fun and I'd rate it a bit higher than, say, a simple pratfall. The man who dreamed up this "electric chair" was the story's villain, the Gag Man, who bears a suspicious resemblance to the Prankster, a Superman villain who had been introduced the year before.

Just for reference, here's the entire page. You can't click on images here in the forum to enlarge them, but you can right-click on them and save them to your computer where they can be displayed at their full size.
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Moon Girl - Obvious Opportunity for Spanking

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Today (2/21/2014) I've posted Modern Love #3 in Comics Gallery 2. This was a difficult one to track down, because starting from mere suspicion I had to find an actual copy of this rare book and check it out (no digital scans available prior to this except of the cover). Of interest to comics historians is the fact that Modern Love was a pre-New Trend EC title, and one of only three Romance Comics they ever published. EC also had one superheroine, Moon Girl, and I'd like to focus a little attention on her now.

Moon Girl #5 (Fall 1948) Copyright William M. Gaines

Moon Girl was obviously modeled after DC's Wonder Woman, but she never really took off, and with superheroes generally in decline, her book was soon changed into A Moon, A Girl, Romance... (the new title being chosen to convince Postal authorities that it was really the same book as before, which it wasn't in terms of content, so that EC could continue to use their 2nd-class mailing permit - for young people who don't remember 2nd class, you couldn't just go to the P.O. and send something 2nd class, you had to have a permit to do so). Interestingly, this title did have a spanking scene in A Moon, A Girl, Romance #9 and so we have to wonder if there could be a third and final EC spanking somewhere in the three issues of Saddle Romances.

But confining our attention to Moon Girl for a moment, what an obvious superheroine for a shorts-down spanking! Maybe we can commission one some day. In the mean time, we'll have to pretend that the villianesses on the cover of Moon Girl #5 (Fall 1948) are warming her fanny with that ray gun. :)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

interesting speculation :D . i hope you find out for sure one of these days and that you turn out to be right. also, thanks for the trip down memory lane concerning the second class postal rate...............geez i feel old :lol: . thanks, phil
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Spanking in Romantic Adventures #16

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There was a spanking in Romantic Adventures #16, but it wasn't pictured, nor did it take place off-panel. How is that possible? It was part of a text filler! Let's take a look at it now:


It's a fairly standard spanking-plot: spoiled rich girl runs into boy she can't intimidate (often employed by her father), and gets spanked! As usual, she's very pleased with him afterward. Of course we all wish this particular plot had been used for one of the stories with art, but you can't have everything. In one respect we were lucky: had the title not been "Papa Spank!" I would probably have never known there was a spanking in it. (I do look at the text pages, by the way, but in the two seconds I allow for each page I can only read 10 words).

O.K., so why were text fillers like this found in comic books of the time? As I mentioned regarding Moon Girl in an earlier post, comics publishers had to obtain and keep 2nd-class mailing permits for their titles, because comics were sold by subscription as well as on the newsstand (I had a few subscriptions myself through most of the '70's). You couldn't just declare you wanted to mail your comics 2nd class, your permit had to be approved by the Post Office. Since 2nd-class had been developed for magazines, comics publishers had to convince the P.O. that their comics were magazines. The P.O. decided that if a comic had at least two pages of text, it could qualify as a magazine. Consequently, comics of that period have two pages of what is in effect text filler.

Another obscure comics fact brought to you courtesy of CSR :lol: !
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

as you mentioned, this is a fairly standard spanking plot.....................but a good one none the less :D . who among us doesn't like to see the snotty rich girl get spanked 8-) . i also loved your "obscure comics fact" :D . i had no idea this was the case so i have once again been web-ed-ucated ;) . thanks, phil
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Missed Opportunities in Romance Comics

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Let's see five more examples of missed opportunities for spankings, mostly from Romance Comics in honor of 2016's Romantic Spanking Month.

1. Implied spanking threat from Alley Oop (thanks to Michael to sending this in a while back along with an actual spanking from the strip).
Date unknown. Of course, spanking isn't mentioned explicitly, but it sure seems to be on Oop's mind, and Ooola is pretty quick to comply with his command!

2. Crazy melee scene from Big Shot #81 (Sept. 1947) - Skyman story, art by Ogden Whitney: If you look at this one panel out of context, it almost appears that the girl in the yellow dress (Fawn) has just either been given one hell of a paddle-swat by the guy in the green jacket, or else that the yellow-skinned guy is trying to spank her with the wrong hand:

Things become a little clearer (not much) if you look at the entire page:
Actually, Fawn and the others are prisoners and the yellow-skinned guy is a guard whom the guy in the green jacket has just hit over the head with a club (not a paddle).

3. Campus Romances #1 (1953, reprint). This is a convoluted story, but Martha certainly seems to be causing trouble enough that Phil says, "I don't think she ought to get away with it". Unfortunately, he doesn't do anything to correct her bad behavior:

On the next page, things look more promising - Phil gets very determined, knocks down some guy who gets in his way, and puts Martha over his shoulder! He should have given her a few whacks right there when her fanny was sticking out, and then put her over his knee properly when they got home:

4. O.K., when a story's title explicitly names one of its female characters a brat, I think we have the right to expect to see her get spanked :lol: ! Alas, that didn't happen in Radiant Love #4 (April 1954), art by Eugene Hughes.
Radiant Love indeed - what was needed was some radiant heat from this brat's backside, and from Arlene's too!

5. Lastly, we have an explicit spanking threat from Ten Story Love vol. 34 #196 (July 1954).
Our guy here steals a kiss from the girl, who likes it but sprays him with a garden hose! "I ought to spank you" he says, but doesn't :x .
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

I just recently discovered a comic-book heroine called "Empowered", by an artist I never heard of before: Adam Warren. Apparently, while he was doing some commission work involving superheroine bondage, he started thinking about a character of his own, with a built-in explanation of how a super-powerful woman could wind up partially dressed and tied up by the villain. Her costume makes her invulnerable to bullets and explosions... up to a point. Uhhh... I guess it can only take a certain number of hits until it begins to shred, leaving her powerless... (I haven't been able to read a whole story, just single pages here and there.)

Also, she's kind of a klutz and she has self-image issues... (She thinks her butt is too big!)

If I had created a superheroine like that, I'd come up with all kinds of excuses for her to get spanked... but, unfortunately, this seems to be the closest Mr. Warren has come...
empowered 1.jpg
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Now tell me... who wouldn't want to turn this super-chickie over his knee?
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by web-ed »

Interesting find here, B00m (especially appropriate for Super-Spanking Summer :) ) - I'll have to look further into it when I can. Not sure when that will be. I'd have to say all that spear-to-the-behind contact qualifies as one or more spankings (I think it was pretty funny how he kept finding "good reasons" to swat her), so it will have to go into the Data Base when I have more of the particulars.
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Cat-Man and Kitten

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We mentioned in last week's spanking from Captain Aero #4 that Solar, Master of Magic was supposed to move over to Cat-Man comics, but he never did for reasons that have been lost in the mists of time. Most CSR readers would never have heard of Cat-Man, but he was around for awhile and apparently someone was worried about lawsuits involving the character for when Batman went chasing after some male burglar who dressed up like a cat, he was called the "Cat Crook" instead of Cat-Man (or the obvious "Cat-Burglar"), although perhaps DC just didn't want to confuse anyone because they already had Catwoman and there was to be no relationship between the two characters. Cat-Man had several different publishers, at least different in name, and his numbering system was confusing, so we wouldn't be surprised if there were copyright questions as late as the 70's, and perhaps this also explains the disappearance of Solar.

Now like many super-heroes of the day, Cat-Man had a teen-age sidekick, but unusually, this sidekick was a girl named "The Kitten". This of course opened up a logical opportunity for some M/F disciplinary spanking, but it never happened as far as I know (I'm not sure that I've seen all of Cat-Man's stories, although I have seen many). Since Kitten was Cat-Man's legal ward (I believe) the occasional spanking would certainly have been appropriate. Let's take a brief look at Cat-Man now with an adventure in which Kitten does get hit in the behind, but only with a paper ball:



An extremely well-aimed note wadded up into a paper ball hits the target in Cat-Man #20 (October 1943). Art by Charles M. Quinlan Sr.

Maybe that was one of Cat-man's super-powers - throwing an object through a 2nd-story window and hitting any female in the room just as she's bending over :lol: ! Mighty handy talent, I'd say. He must have thrown that paper-wad pretty hard to get an "Ow!" out of Kitten ;) . A nice humorous bit.
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One Fine Day in JLA Headquarters

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We're not sure what possessed female Justice League members Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl to think playing strip poker against the male members was a good idea (perhaps they were drunk ;) ), but we're glad they did :lol: ! A little thought would probably have convinced them that playing against one guy who can read any card from the back even from 10 miles away (Superman has x-ray and telescopic vision) and another guy who can read minds (the Martian Manhunter) wasn't such a good idea - so it's just as well they didn't think! Flash and Batman have lost their shirts, but they don't seem to mind as long as Diana and Shayera have lost theirs as well!


I don't suppose this is exactly a missed opportunity, but there could have been a "Females get spanked once they lose their top" rule or something. :) It would certainly be an embarrassing time for an emergency call to come through on the world crisis monitor.

This was undoubtedly the work of Palcomix although I found it on the Rule34 porn site. (Characters © DC Comics Inc.)

My only question is - where were Black Canary and Zatanna on this happy occasion? ;)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by daneldorado »

As some of you on this forum may already know, I love spanking toons but I hate pornography. I won't have it in my house.

But this toon, showing us a round of strip poker played at the JLA headquarters, is not smutty. Instead, it is laugh out loud funny. Nobody is having sex with anybody, it's just a clever idea expertly drawn on this forum. And notice that neither Wonder Woman nor Hawkgirl seem outraged by the trick that's been played on them. They're just resigned to it all. Perhaps they, too, see the humor in the situation.

I sure do. 8-)

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Suzie Pratfalls

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It's Homecoming Week (2016) at CSR when I always like to do school-themed stuff, and this year we focus on Suzie from Archie Comics. As part of the festivities, and because so much Suzie material has become available over the past year, I'm going to post all the pratfalls and "Behind in Jeopardy" pages I've collected. Here we focus on the pratfalls, never as good as spankings but still kind of fun.

I may have had the help of Bishop Berkley or Robin with some of these - my notes don't indicate any details as I record less information with non-spanking scenes.

1. Suzie pretends to be a child, trusting her school tie to cover her bosom. No, I can't remember why, and it really doesn't matter although it does fit in nicely with Homecoming Week.

From Suzie #50

2. Physical comedy was a staple of teen humor mags, including pratfalls:

From Suzie #53

3. Issue #53 was loaded with good stuff - two pratfalls, a nice bending-over panel, and Suzie sits on a cactus (see following post for that one)!

From Suzie #53 - great issue!

4. Just the second pratfall.

A close-up of the pratfall panel, the second from issue #53.

5. This one takes place at a bowling alley. We could do without Suzie's boyfriend Ferdie's pratfall, but it was worth it to get one with Suzie.

From Suzie #55

6. Very few words here, but then again we don't read Suzie expecting Fyodor Dostoyevsky.


From Suzie #84 (December 1951). I haven't given dates on the others, but they were all prior to 1950. Ah, the Golden Age of comics! :)
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Suzie's Behind in Jeopardy

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The "Behind in Jeopardy" as we call it has always been a low comedy staple, and I always enjoy seeing them although every time I do I can't help wishing they had been spankings instead :lol: !

Credit to Bishop Berkley who found numbers 3 and 4.

1. I don't much like these ones featuring bees, but here it is from Suzie #51.


2. Suzie #53, a great issue, provided these nice panels with Suzie being thrown from her exploding automobile and of course coming down fanny-first on a cactus plant, with the after-effects:


3. Suzie goes west, gets thrown by her horse, and lands hard on her saddle.


4. Very similar to #3, Suzie goes west again and winds up sitting on a cactus plant:

Our notes show this as coming from Suzie #80, although that's unlikely. Since it's not a spanking, we won't worry too much about it. :)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks a lot, Web-ed, for bringing us these panels from "Suzie." I had seen some of them before, and I enjoyed them a lot, but because they were not actually spankings I never collected them. But now that we have the internet, I will "save" some of these in my files.

Although spankings were not actually seen in these comics, it was always great fun to see a pretty, golden-haired beauty on the receiving end of kicks, butts, and other unseemly encounters that involved temporary damage to her adorable rear end. In my experience, social media always treated pretty women as goddesses on a pedestal. It was usually the males who got whacked and kicked. How refreshing to see the tables turned! Even if the spankings were never actually seen!

Of course the one and only spanking we know of for Suzie is the one where young Fauntleroy bends her over and delivers what looks like a pretty fair OTK handspanking. Probably this panel was approved for publication only because the spanker is so much younger than the spankee and it is played for laughs, not sex.

Late addition: Ooh boy, here I can see that you found yet another actual spanking for Suzie. Good show! This one is from her Dad, who puts her over his knee for making him lose his job. You mentioned that this toon denies us an angle that would allow us to see the outline of her boobs and the crack in her derriere. Surely that was intentional, to keep this toon from being too seductive. He is her Dad, after all.

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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by willjohn »

It does not look as if anybody missed an opportunity with Suzie.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

HI web-ed,

WOW! There certainly are a lot of panels focusing on Suzie's backside :lol: . Even though there aren't many spankings, I have to feel like the people who put this out are certainly fans of the female bottom :D . Do you think they would have liked to do more spankings but weren't certain how they would be received? In any case. I enjoyed looking at all these :D . Thanks for posting all these. Phil
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel wrote:

WOW! There certainly are a lot of panels focusing on Suzie's backside :lol: . I have to feel like the people who put this out are certainly fans of the female bottom :D . Do you think they would have liked to do more spankings but weren't certain how they would be received? In any case. I enjoyed looking at all these :D . Thanks for posting all these. Phil

Right you are, Phil. I'd like to know what era gave birth to these "Suzie" cartoons. The 1930s? The '40s? The '50s? It's an interesting psychological question. I would bet that Web-ed, with all his historical knowledge, could tell us. One thing is for sure: We won't see anything like this in the comics of today. :|

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Re: Suzie's Behind in Jeopardy

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote:HI web-ed,

WOW! There certainly are a lot of panels focusing on Suzie's backside :lol: . Even though there aren't many spankings, I have to feel like the people who put this out are certainly fans of the female bottom :D . Do you think they would have liked to do more spankings but weren't certain how they would be received? In any case. I enjoyed looking at all these :D . Thanks for posting all these. Phil
daneldorado wrote:I'd like to know what era gave birth to these "Suzie" cartoons. The 1930s? The '40s? The '50s? It's an interesting psychological question. I would bet that Web-ed, with all his historical knowledge, could tell us. One thing is for sure: We won't see anything like this in the comics of today. :|
Taking Dan's question first, the Suzie comics these panels came from were all 1951 or earlier. As I mentioned somewhere in that mountain of Suzie material last week, I have not been able to document all of Suzie's appearances and I'm not sure anyone else has either, unless they've got a complete run of Archie Golden Age titles (in which cased they should sell them and retire :) ). Suzie's first appearance is believed to go all the way back to Top Notch Laugh Comics #28 (July 1942), not long after Archie Andrews' first appearance in Dec. 1941. (In fact, this is the title that became Suzie with issue #51.) Because Suzie appeared in a number of different places over the years, it's still possible that there's another spanking scene out there, and of course I'll keep searching through all the old Golden Age Archie titles that I can since I believe them to be a likely-rich source of more spankings.

Now to Phil's question: did the Suzie creators want to do more spankings? Suzie (her own title) ran until 1954, the year the Comics Code went into force. I won't give all the citations here, but I have elsewhere expressed my theory that the Code didn't really clamp down on non-parental M/F spankings until 1956 (coincidentally(?) the end of the Golden Age as I date it). That would seem to have left plenty of room for more Suzie spankings, especially from her father.

On the other hand, comics were coming under fire beginning around 1947, and we have seen that the two spankings in Jungle Comics #89 from that year were censored when the story was reprinted five years later in 1952. The last known Suzie spanking (the one we saw last week from issue #83 of her own book) is from 1951 . Therefore it is certainly possible that someone wanted to show Suzie being spanked by her boyfriend Ferdie or some other guy who wasn't her father in the 1952-54 period but the spanking got nixed at some point.

No way to reach a definite conclusion either way, but since Suzie's two known spankings are both supposed to be humorous, I have to think that if another Suzie spanking by her father was ever scripted, it would have been approved. Let's hope there's still one out there somewhere. ;)
-- Web-Ed
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