Weekly Updates

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

HI web-ed,

Well, Olive may not be the most erotic spankee but when she gets a spanking, it's a good one :lol: . It looks like Popeye is really giving her a blistering in this one :D . She also seems to be a good example of those conflicting emotions that girls have when they get a spanking. She hates Popeye for treating her this way but loves him at the same time because he gave her the spanking she knows full well she richly deserved and didn't let her get away with behaving like a spoiled, naughty little girl :lol: . I like the panel of her holding her bottom after the spanking as much as I liked the spanking scene itself. Both are good indications of just how hard Popeye spanked her 8-) . I think Popeye could have saved himself a lot of time and trouble if he had just taken her to the bedroom and given her a good screwing right after he finished spanking her :lol: .Good update :D . Thanks, Phil
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Weekly Updates for 11/24/2017

Post by web-ed »

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and please don't get caught up in the "Black Friday" mania to the extent you risk life and limb. :lol:


This week: The Comic Strip Series continues with the conclusion of our Popeye mini-series as Popeye Spanks Olive Oyl once again - and this time, it's drawn by the strip's creator, E. C. Segar.

It's actually a pretty good scene. With Popeye, the best we can expect is way-out fantasy and some good humor - we know we aren't going to have "Good Girl Art" or a spanking with too much in the way of erotic overtones.

Next Week: The Comic Strip Series continues with another look at Brenda Starr Spanking #1.

Currently, we have three Brenda Starr spankings in Comics Gallery 2. I had planned to do a two-part update on two of those spankings, but I realized that Phil S. has not only found these updates but discovered a brand-new spanking as well! I also have a scene from Tim that's been languishing in my files for a while now, so it looks like Brenda will take up the next three weeks.

I know this is a busy time of year, but don't forget to check in with CSR at least once a week - you don't want to miss anything! :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

I can now add clarity if not color. October 10, 1937
PopeyeOctober10,1937.jpg (51.74 KiB) Viewed 4577 times
October 10, 1937
PopeyeOctober10,1937DETAIL.jpg (43.57 KiB) Viewed 4577 times
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

HI web-ed,

I thought this was a rather strange story line. Of course, on the other hand, I too have given some spankings for odd reasons along the way :lol: . This time the spanking doesn't appear to be a very good one. Olive actually looks rather bored. I would have thought that a smile on her face and a few hearts above her head would have been more appropriate. After all, girls do seem to like it when their bottoms get some attention from their men 8-) . Good update. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!! That Turkey should have had a female farmer bottom up on the chopping block paddling her hard :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: like that this week Olive Oyl spanking is in color 8-) 8-) :D Olive do look to be bore maybe Popeye should spank a little harder :lol: although this suppose to be Sweetpea :? :lol: :lol: the otk is good with Olive bottom sticking up high :lol: :lol: :lol: Great spanking in comic 8-) 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates for 11/24/2017

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for nailing down the exact date, Phil - I had narrowed it down to October 1937 but that was the best I could do. I will of course add this information to the page as soon as I can.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:HI WEB-ED CSR!!! That Turkey should have had a female farmer bottom up on the chopping block paddling her hard :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: like that this week Olive Oyl spanking is in color 8-) 8-) :D Olive do look to be bore maybe Popeye should spank a little harder :lol: although this suppose to be Sweetpea :? :lol: :lol: the otk is good with Olive bottom sticking up high :lol: :lol: :lol: Great spanking in comic 8-) 8-)
Let's face it, Tom Turkey was for the chop no matter what delaying tactics he tried.

Olive would have to weigh about 5 times as much as Swee' pea. Is the cartoonist suggesting Popeye had early onsite senility?
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel49 wrote:HI web-ed,

I thought this was a rather strange story line. Of course, on the other hand, I too have given some spankings for odd reasons along the way :lol: . This time the spanking doesn't appear to be a very good one. Olive actually looks rather bored. I would have thought that a smile on her face and a few hearts above her head would have been more appropriate. After all, girls do seem to like it when their bottoms get some attention from their men 8-) . Good update. Thanks, Phil
It's possible that Olive "looks rather bored" during this spanking is because the temporarily befuddled Popeye thinks he is spanking an infant -- Swee'pea -- and therefore is not spanking very hard.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:

Olive would have to weigh about 5 times as much as Swee' pea. Is the cartoonist suggesting Popeye had early onsite senility?
No, Popeye was suffering from "Melankonkus" due to the shock of (temporarily) losing Swee'pea, and this resulted in the delusion that Olive was Swee'pea.
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Weekly Updates for 12/01/2017

Post by web-ed »

First, a little unfinished business from our recent Popeye mini-series: I forgot to mention that I updated the Comics Spanking Data Base with some more info on some Popeye spankings we won't be seeing here because they involve Poopdeck Pappy and Swee'pea. Not that these scenes are of much interest, but they're properly recorded now, making a total of 17 spankings (including reprints) from this strip. There are also two more scenes I haven't recorded yet because I have only bad scans of them: The Sea Hag spanks a monster she created, and Popeye spanks the Sea Hag! I'll keep looking for them, or at least for the second one.

In fact, I had forgotten to update the Data Base for a couple of weeks now. That's bad - normally I do it right after uploading the updates themselves - but I really am so hard-pressed these days it's all I can do to get one update done per week. Fortunately, our Resident Artists have taken up some of the slack.

Next, we turn our attention to Brenda Starr: I have a three-week mini-series planned, with two updates to existing spankings #1 and #3, and then a welcome surprise: Chief Strip Researcher Phil S. :ugeek: also discovered a previously unsuspected Spanking #4! That one is scheduled for two weeks from now, on Dec. 15. On top of that, I have had one of Tim's drawings in the files for at least a couple of years, waiting for another comic strip series to make it a part of.

This week's update: Brenda Starr #1 - new scan!

Next Week: New scan and much more info on Brenda Starr spanking #3! :)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI-WEB ED CSR!!! Good to see the Christmas Spanking Drawings Again 8-) :lol: :lol: :lol: Tis The Season for all naughty Women to get their comeuppance via a trip across Santa`s knee :twisted: :D :D :D is it me or do anyone else thinks the spanking of Daphne Dimples in this week Brenda Star Comic kind of look like the spanking Actress Brenda Joyce got in the movie Public Deb no.1 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: even with the witnesses in the back ground laughing! this is a Great SPANKING :!: :!: :!: don`t know why Tom is spanking her instead of Brenda :? the over the knee is good and Daphne have a nice round bottom just made for spanking :D also like how she trying to protect her rear by reaching her hand back :lol: :lol: the witnesses add to the excitement :twisted: :twisted: 8-) 8-) really love this Spanking drawing! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) Nice Find Thanks!!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

I enjoyed the Brenda Starr strip although in this case Daphne is the one feeling the stars :lol: . It's a good story that ends as it should with the brat getting the spanking she deserves :D . You've already mentioned the OTK position but I would like to add that the artist captured the action well in the spanking panel 8-) . It's obvious that the spanking has caused our brat to become very animated during her well earned spanking :lol: . I thought it was a nice touch for the artist to include the crowd watching and enjoying Daphne's predicament and stating that a good time was had by all :lol: . The only thing I thought was missing was a nice, deep blush of embarrassment on Daphne's face as she suffers the pain and humiliation of getting a public spanking. In previous panels, it was clear that Brenda was blushing up a storm at her own embarrassment so why not show Daphne blushing during her ordeal? Also, I would think Brenda would again be blushing while watching Daphne's bottom getting the attention it deserves. I thought this drawing was pretty erotic and I found myself wishing that Daphne had been depicted with her skirt raised and the seat of her panties on display for the assembled audience. Good update :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

Hi Phil!
"In previous panels, it was clear that Brenda was blushing up a storm at her own embarrassment so why not show Daphne blushing during her ordeal? Also, I would think Brenda would again be blushing while watching Daphne's bottom getting the attention it deserves."

Brenda may not be blushing at Daphne's predicament but she was impressed enough by the situation to excitedly describe it to a friend later on:
BrendaStarrTribuneMarch20,1943.jpg (76.45 KiB) Viewed 4816 times
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Re: Weekly Updates for 12/01/2017

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for adding that panel, Phil. Of course you had already sent it to me, and I have it in the "Brenda Starr" file, but for some reason I neglected to put in on the page. Maybe I'll add it there, too. [Done as of 12/07]
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya, butch46163.... Lemme just drop in here for a moment to say that I enjoy the "Public Deb No. 1" (1940) spanking as much as you do, with one exception. Surely the set-up is delicious. Socialist playgirl (Brenda Joyce) insults the U.S.A. before a patriotic waiter (George Murphy) and, because she's a jerk and he is loyal to his country, he decides to give her a public spanking, right there in the middle of a crowded restaurant. It's just what a spanko loves to see, and amid the fears of a World War we had in 1940, it must have been a most satisfying, if jingoistic, moment.

So, Brenda (the actress) dutifully goes over her co-star's knee and takes a very lengthy over-the-knee spanking. I did count the number of swats once, but I don't remember the final number, partly because the scene contains so many cutaways to spectators, but also because the swats don't seem particularly hard. If you watch enough spank scenes, you get to know which smacks are solid and which are just playful. I'd say the swats in "Public Deb No. 1" are among the latter, though there are many of them.

But the REAL reason I'm not a big fan of that scene is that George Murphy spanks Brenda Joyce with the wrong hand. Oh, what a waste! All the trappings of a great, popular, sensational public spanking are wasted -- I say, WASTED -- because the man is using the wrong hand on milady's bottom!

Murphy -- no doubt guided by director Gregory Ratoff -- puts Brenda over his lap with her face overlapping his right knee. Now the scene is set for a good, long spanking from Murphy's strong left hand. But what's this? Oh no! Instead, he reaches across her prone body and uses his right hand to deliver the "spanking." This is all wrong, and it deprives this famous scene of a spot on Spanking's Olympus. It is so very very wrong, I find the scene unwatchable.

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Weekly Updates for 12/08/2017

Post by web-ed »

O.K., rather than another dull Spanking Search Report in a month where I didn't find anything, let me instead draw your attention to the work of two of our Resident Artists: Phil Overbarrel is in the middle of his series Growing Pains - Episode Two, while Dan Rivera has colored an episode of his great superhero strip, Capt. Woodshed in Traffic. I can't link to these because of this board's limitations, but you can find them by going to the Resident Artists Forum.

This week: The Comic Strip Series continues with new scans from Sweetspot of Brenda Starr Spanking #3. This is Part 2 of a three-part Brenda Starr mini-series.

Next Week: The Comic Strip Series continues with the conclusion of our Brenda Starr mini-series: the recently-discovered, never-before-seen Spanking #4 in which Daphne Dimples gets it again! Plus: Tim's take on Brenda! Don't miss it! :)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

I remember that Merrie Rider was visited by a little man from outer space and the spankings did not work because her father did not believe she was telling the truth and she stuck to the facts. I also remember that Merrie had just turned 16 and got her driver's licence.
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Brenda Starr and Merrie's Earlier Spankings

Post by Sweetspot »

http://www.chicagospankingreview.org/co ... ing_3.html
JS666 has explained what's going on here in this series from May 1954. We can't be sure of Merrie's age in this sequence but I'm sharing these because I suspect the comments of JS666 and the reference to this scene in Brenda Starr #3 has left several of the CSR faithful curious about this interesting week of repeat punishment. May 22, 1954
BrendaStarrMay22,1954Detail.jpg (57.32 KiB) Viewed 4761 times
Merrie doesn't want her dad to get interested in Brenda romantically. She tries everything she can to break up a relationship that actually doesn't exist. Merrie's dad, Hitch Rider, is one of Brenda's employers. May 24, 1954
BrendaStarrMay24,1954DETAIL.jpg (77.75 KiB) Viewed 4761 times
May 25, 1954
A teen tantrum results in another spanking. A talking cat that predate You Tube by decades.
BrendaStarrMay25,1954DETAIL#1.jpg (43.87 KiB) Viewed 4761 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Brenda Starr and Merrie's Earlier Spankings

Post by Sweetspot »

A detail from the May 25, 1954 strip
BrendaStarrMay25,1954DETAIL#2.jpg (21.17 KiB) Viewed 4761 times
May 26, 1954
BrendaStarrMay26,1954DETAIL.jpg (103.8 KiB) Viewed 4761 times
Reconciliation closely follows this final spanking. Another teenage girl is thankful to her mom for spreading out her spankings over several years instead of having to go through the intense experience that Merrie is having to deal with.
BrendaStarrMay26,1954DETAIL#2.jpg (84.86 KiB) Viewed 4761 times
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB-ED CSR!! WOW :!: :!: Marrie is one very spoil Brat the need lots of spankings :D :D :D the one where she getting it and everybody watching through the window is great! the after spanking with her face down bottom up on the bed is super! 8-) today spanking of Marrie is also GREAT! the over the knee is perfect with the bratty girl naughty rear cover in shorts taking some pretty nice slaps from her father`s hand :twisted: :lol: like that she kicking! kind of weird that she wanted him to spank harder :twisted: :twisted: :lol :lol: :lol: GREAT FIND SweetSpot 8-) 8-) 8-) THANKS!! and BIG THUMBS UP Phil for the last panel to last week Brenda Starr Spanking 8-)
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