Back to Basics

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Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

Back to Basics 1
Back to Basics 1
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hi everyone,

last time we followed a young couple incorporating spanking into their relationship as they were getting to know each other. i thought this time it might be nice to see what happens to couples as their relationship grows and changes over a few years. it seems to me that as you learn about each other and get used to each other that you both get more comfortable and know what to expect from each other. that can be a really good thing, especially in a spanking relationship. of course, there are times when things get moving faster than you can keep up with...... so things that were working really well seem to fall by the wayside. it's funny how everyone can get locked into their own activities and their own habits.

the new toon is a story about 2 sisters and their husbands who are all way too busy. jobs have been eating up too much time as have the kids, housekeeping and just the daily know the routine. everyone has been pretty stressed so our early 30s couples have decided to get together for a couple days of fun and relaxation.........with the help of grandma who has volunteered to keep the kids.

the boys went golfing and the girls headed for the mall for some shopping. they were all supposed to meet back at the house at 4:00 so they could get ready and go to a nice restaurant for dinner the first night. after the golf game Gary and Isaac arrived home and started getting ready to go. Hannah and Janice were no where to be found. the men finished getting ready and waited, and waited, and waited. they tried calling both cell phones but kept getting voice mail for both girls. by 8:00 our boys were starting to panic and were trying to figure out how to proceed when the girls finally arrived. this is where we pick up the story.

i don't have any actual "action" in these pics today............just the prelude. i hope you'll enjoy them. phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

well, THAT'S gotta be irritating
well, THAT'S gotta be irritating
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

UH-HUH, just as i thought
UH-HUH, just as i thought
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

now we've got a plan of action
now we've got a plan of action
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, Phil... You've crafted a devilishly clever intro for your new "Back to Basics" story. In four (4) short panels, your dialogue sets up all the inevitable "action" that is sure to follow. And knowing YOU, I'm sure the action will be "fast and furious!"

You have also, thoughtfully, given Gary and Isaac very different personalities. Gary is tall and rugged, looking like a linebacker, muscular and tough; Isaac, on the other hand, seems more "average" but is equally offended by the girls' long, unexplained absence. Now that they are back and seemingly okay, the girls face their two determined hubbies and are probably going to reap the consequences of their thoughtless ways. :)

I like the minidresses you have put on these ladies, and on most of your ladies you draw. In RL, I've often complained about the fact that modern women seem to wear long pants rather than skirts and dresses; but I know I can always find properly attired pretty girls on the cartoons you draw.

What can I say? Hey, Phil, like all of your fans I eagerly await the upcoming spankorama. Just one suggestion: Could you give us a few more "contact" panels than you did last time? Yes, I do expect the spankings to be LO-O-ONG and HARD... (Can hardly wait!) But sometimes I think we see too many toons showing the man's hand up in the air, without the complementary panels showing the hands actually landing on their sweet targets. Just a thought, okay?

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Re: Back to Basics

Post by web-ed »

Well, we're off to a good start with your new strip, Phil. Those two thoughtless sisters are getting way too big for their britches, and it's high time Gary and Isaac took matters "in hand" so to speak :) ! I think the "basic" set-up here is promising (that's one spacious kitchen, by the way, with more than enough room to accommodate a double-spanking ;) ) and I'm eager to see next week's addition.

Almost forgot: Janice is, shall we say, very well-made for spanking. I hope we'll get to see an impact shot of the kind Dan mentioned landing on that generous posterior of hers :) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Wow, Phil... You've crafted a devilishly clever intro for your new "Back to Basics" story. In four (4) short panels, your dialogue sets up all the inevitable "action" that is sure to follow. And knowing YOU, I'm sure the action will be "fast and furious!"
hi Dan,

i'm glad you think we're off to a good start. i've already gotten 2 other replies that mention pretty much the same thing :D . one spankee even commented, "so many of us can relate to this". my wife has a sister so i've had a lot of years to cultivate such a fantasy :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:You have also, thoughtfully, given Gary and Isaac very different personalities. Gary is tall and rugged, looking like a linebacker, muscular and tough; Isaac, on the other hand, seems more "average" but is equally offended by the girls' long, unexplained absence. Now that they are back and seemingly okay, the girls face their two determined hubbies and are probably going to reap the consequences of their thoughtless ways. :)

thank you for mentioning that. those different personalities are loosely based on myself and my brother in law ;) . it's nice to know that someone noticed :D . i think it gives the toon a little variety as 2 different personalities come to the same understanding about what needs to be done.
daneldorado wrote:I like the minidresses you have put on these ladies, and on most of your ladies you draw. In RL, I've often complained about the fact that modern women seem to wear long pants rather than skirts and dresses; but I know I can always find properly attired pretty girls on the cartoons you draw.
i do use pants or jeans sometimes but i really prefer dresses. there's something about the ease of access that dresses suggest, both for spanking and sex that i find exciting ;) not to mention that once a dress is pulled up it allows the spankee's legs to kick freely during a spanking :D .
daneldorado wrote:What can I say? Hey, Phil, like all of your fans I eagerly await the upcoming spankorama. Just one suggestion: Could you give us a few more "contact" panels than you did last time? Yes, I do expect the spankings to be LO-O-ONG and HARD... (Can hardly wait!) But sometimes I think we see too many toons showing the man's hand up in the air, without the complementary panels showing the hands actually landing on their sweet targets. Just a thought, okay?

i'll see what i can do about the contact panels. i think i have a tendency to do more with the spanker's arm in the air so i can get an unobstructed view of the spankee's bottom :lol: . i do guarantee plenty of spanking panels in the toon though ;) . i'm also gonna try to vary the camera angle more this time. seems like i didn't do much of that in the last toon. thanks, phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Well, we're off to a good start with your new strip, Phil. Those two thoughtless sisters are getting way too big for their britches, and it's high time Gary and Isaac took matters "in hand" so to speak :) ! I think the "basic" set-up here is promising (that's one spacious kitchen, by the way, with more than enough room to accommodate a double-spanking ;) ) and I'm eager to see next week's addition.
hi web-ed,

i couldn't agree more, it is high time they were taken in hand :D . it is indeed a spacious kitchen...........lots of room for kicking and struggling :lol: .
web-ed wrote:Almost forgot: Janice is, shall we say, very well-made for spanking. I hope we'll get to see an impact shot of the kind Dan mentioned landing on that generous posterior of hers :) .
since we seem to have a consensus, i'll make sure we get that contact shot of Isaac landing a swat on Janice's ample bottom. i'm glad you like her appearance. i made the girls a little different build and one taller than the other since my wife and her sister are this way ;) . glad you enjoyed the start of the toon :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

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hi everyone,

they say that what goes around, comes around so embarrassing your spouse by being disrespectful to him might have some embarrassing consequences :D and some of those words might just come back around to haunt you too :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: Back to Basics #5

Post by web-ed »

You know, no matter how many times a spankee-to-be has said, "You can't do this to me!" to the man who's about to spank her, it never seems to work :) . [For an old-time example, see the Jack Phillips / Nancy Talbot spanking in the Superman Sunday strip.] This line always works extremely well with the "taken down a peg" type of spanking, because it highlights the high-positioned spankee's humiliation as she is brought down from her high perch and well and truly humbled. As I suppose everyone on this board already knows, I am extremely fond of this type of scene :D, and I'm certainly pleased to see it here 8-) .

So Hannah is heading toward the sore bottom she's earned, but I'm also looking forward to seeing Jan get it good, and as she has her hand clutching her heart in this panel, I find myself wondering if she has any inkling that she'll soon find herself in the same position her friend is now in? Everything in this panel came out well, except perhaps the far end of the tablecloth near the right edge of the picture, and it's not very noticeable since anyone with an ounce of sense would only spend about 1/100 the amount of time looking at that he would at Hannah being turned OTK ;) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:You know, no matter how many times a spankee-to-be has said, "You can't do this to me!" to the man who's about to spank her, it never seems to work :) . [For an old-time example, see the Jack Phillips / Nancy Talbot spanking in the Superman Sunday strip.] This line always works extremely well with the "taken down a peg" type of spanking, because it highlights the high-positioned spankee's humiliation as she is brought down from her high perch and well and truly humbled. As I suppose everyone on this board already knows, I am extremely fond of this type of scene :D, and I'm certainly pleased to see it here 8-) .
hi web-ed,

i'm glad this scene pleased you :D . i think our husbands have both let their wives get a bit to big for their britches but fear not, it appears they have figured that out and are taking steps to correct the situation with a dose of humility for our naughty girls............not to mention sore bottoms :lol: .
web-ed wrote:So Hannah is heading toward the sore bottom she's earned, but I'm also looking forward to seeing Jan get it good, and as she has her hand clutching her heart in this panel, I find myself wondering if she has any inkling that she'll soon find herself in the same position her friend is now in? Everything in this panel came out well, except perhaps the far end of the tablecloth near the right edge of the picture, and it's not very noticeable since anyone with an ounce of sense would only spend about 1/100 the amount of time looking at that he would at Hannah being turned OTK ;) .
the thought might have crossed her mind but the drama playing out in front of her is a compelling distraction as we will be seeing in the next few panels ;) . hopefully you will enjoy those too. thanks, phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by hugob00m »

You're already two weeks into your newest story and I'm just now getting around to commenting. Sorry about that, chief! First of all, I'm glad that it's another romantic relationship again (two of them in fact!) I'd rather see a husband spank his wife or a boyfriend spank his girlfriend than to see a father, grandfather, or uncle deal out the punishment. The two men have been worried about their wives, relieved that the ladies are alright, and now they're angry. A great set-up! In the last panel, you show Hanna's man beginning to take action. Mmmm! I'm looking forward to seeing this one progress!
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Sorry about that, chief!
hi Boom,

i had to laugh when i read this. i think you're showing your age here since this is obviously a quote from Maxwell Smart :lol:
hugob00m wrote: First of all, I'm glad that it's another romantic relationship again (two of them in fact!) I'd rather see a husband spank his wife or a boyfriend spank his girlfriend than to see a father, grandfather, or uncle deal out the punishment. The two men have been worried about their wives, relieved that the ladies are alright, and now they're angry. A great set-up! In the last panel, you show Hanna's man beginning to take action. Mmmm! I'm looking forward to seeing this one progress!
i too would rather see a spanking scene between lovers, or at least between a man and woman where there is the potential for a sexual relationship, as i think it's just more romantic that way :D . i'm glad you approve of the set up. it all seemed pretty straight forward to me as well as a natural response by our spankers ;) . more reaction coming up..............and more action :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote: i too would rather see a spanking scene between lovers, or at least between a man and woman where there is the potential for a sexual relationship, as i think it's just more romantic that way :D
I agree with both of you on this point - maximal eroticism can only be reached with a M/F spanking where the two are lovers or potentially so. The classic examples that I like to use to illustrate this point are the two Spirit spankings, the first of Ellen Dolan and the second of Diana the Huntress: while it's always fun to have the hero spank a villainess, it never has quite the sizzle (based on Dominance/Submission and depth of emotional involvement) that a romantic scene does, and the same of course goes for paternal-type scenes with the girl's father, uncle, etc. as the spanker. Although I've always been very fond of brother/sister spankings, perhaps because they're so rare. I'm not sure what that says about me... :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I agree with both of you on this point - maximal eroticism can only be reached with a M/F spanking where the two are lovers or potentially so. The classic examples that I like to use to illustrate this point are the two Spirit spankings, the first of Ellen Dolan and the second of Diana the Huntress: while it's always fun to have the hero spank a villainess, it never has quite the sizzle (based on Dominance/Submission and depth of emotional involvement) that a romantic scene does, and the same of course goes for paternal-type scenes with the girl's father, uncle, etc. as the spanker. Although I've always been very fond of brother/sister spankings, perhaps because they're so rare. I'm not sure what that says about me... :lol:
hi web-ed,

i see we have agreement here :D . i thought your comparison of hero/villainess and a romantic scene was right on the money. good observations. as far as the brother/sister thing goes............i have no idea what it says :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hannah doesn't seem to be enjoying all the attention she's getting
Hannah doesn't seem to be enjoying all the attention she's getting
006.jpg (372.94 KiB) Viewed 3608 times
hi everyone,

i have to figure that being turned over for a good spanking in front of your relatives has to be really embarrassing for a naughty young lady, especially if the men are being a bit insensitive about it :lol: . good thing Hannah has her loving sister to support her :D . i hope you enjoy the latest addition to the toon. phil
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by hugob00m »

You're latest panel is wonderful! Poor Hanna is embarrassed to have her husband pull her skirt up in front of her brother-in-law. :oops: And she's not getting much sympathy fron Janice, who seems to be having a laugh attack! :lol: (It must not have dawned on her yet that she's about to be in the same situation.) For the time being, Isaac is just enjoying the view, as am I! :D

But as great as it is now, there's still something to anticipate. Janice hasn't been turned over Isaac's knee yet... Will Isaac wait 'til Gary is through spanking Hannah and then use the same chair, or will there be an overlap, with both sisters being spanked simultaneously? Both options have their advantages. ;)
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:You're latest panel is wonderful! Poor Hanna is embarrassed to have her husband pull her skirt up in front of her brother-in-law. :oops: And she's not getting much sympathy fron Janice, who seems to be having a laugh attack! :lol: (It must not have dawned on her yet that she's about to be in the same situation.) For the time being, Isaac is just enjoying the view, as am I! :D
hi Boom,

you're right. Janice doesn't seem to very sympathetic to Hannah's plight :lol: actually, since i have no one to advise me about this, i am speculating that this might be one way she might react to her sister getting a spanking. it might be some residual sibling rivalry left over from childhood or perhaps Janice is just giggling now because she was afraid to when Daddy spanked them all those years ago and now she's just having trouble holding it back. in any case, she seems to be having trouble controlling her giggling :lol: . Isaac is not only enjoying the view but he's also making that perfectly clear which is bound to be adding to Hannah's embarrassment :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:But as great as it is now, there's still something to anticipate. Janice hasn't been turned over Isaac's knee yet... Will Isaac wait 'til Gary is through spanking Hannah and then use the same chair, or will there be an overlap, with both sisters being spanked simultaneously? Both options have their advantages. ;)
first off, i got a kick out of your use of the word "overlap" :lol: . i don't know if that was intentional or not. hopefully, there is still a bunch of action to anticipate. both options do indeed have their advantages but i think that the anticipation will be heightened if i don't comment further about that at this time ;) . i'm glad you enjoyed this pic :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Back to Basics #6

Post by web-ed »

Liked the latest panel a lot (there seems to be a slight problem with Gary's left arm near the elbow by the way). Hannah's embarrassment is the centerpiece, but Jan's nervous giggling is rather interesting also.
Janice doesn't seem to very sympathetic to Hannah's plight :lol: actually, since i have no one to advise me about this, i am speculating that this might be one way she might react to her sister getting a spanking. it might be some residual sibling rivalry left over from childhood or perhaps Janice is just giggling now because she was afraid to when Daddy spanked them all those years ago and now she's just having trouble holding it back.
I think it's fair to say that Jan is enjoying Hannah's plight just a little, but I would add that nervous giggling is often how women into spanking react when confronted by actually seeing one or hearing the subject discussed. They don't want to openly reveal their interest, but at the same time, being women they can't completely suppress strong emotional feelings, so out they come in the form of a nervous giggle. Perhaps Jan has had a secret interest in getting spanked - if so, I expect she's going to find out what it's like before too long :) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Back to Basics

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Liked the latest panel a lot (there seems to be a slight problem with Gary's left arm near the elbow by the way). Hannah's embarrassment is the centerpiece, but Jan's nervous giggling is rather interesting also.
hi web-ed,

i hadn't noticed the problem with Gary's elbow. Poser will do that and i usually watch for it so i can correct any problems but i missed this one. the newer versions of the Poser people don't do that so much but i haven't ever gotten lined out on them yet so i'm still using the older version. perhaps things will calm down so i can get the new version lined out one of these days. in the mean time i'll have to watch more carefully.
web-ed wrote:I think it's fair to say that Jan is enjoying Hannah's plight just a little, but I would add that nervous giggling is often how women into spanking react when confronted by actually seeing one or hearing the subject discussed. They don't want to openly reveal their interest, but at the same time, being women they can't completely suppress strong emotional feelings, so out they come in the form of a nervous giggle. Perhaps Jan has had a secret interest in getting spanked - if so, I expect she's going to find out what it's like before too long :) .
i also think Jan is enjoying Hannah's predicament some. probably some left over sibling rivalry :D . you make an interesting point about that nervous giggling though. girls often do that when you mention that they need a good spanking................or sometimes during the spanking, especially if they're getting lectured and are trying to deny any guilt :lol: . we'll find out more about Jan's motive tomorrow :D . thanks, phil
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