Chicago Spanking Review

Horseman of Death Spanking

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spanking on the cover of el jinete del la muerte #7 comic book

Cover of El Jinete de la Muerte (The Horseman of Death) #7. Co-discovered by Web-Ed, Hugob00m, and Richard Windsor. Posted by El Web-Edo on 03/04/2022.

The cover of this comic book - first posted on the CSR Forum by Resident Artist HugoB00m in 2019 - reads "The double game of a coquette," a story title that belies the grim seriousness of the book's title El Jinete de la Muerte (The Horseman of Death). And that's just as well for us at CSR, because we all know how a coquette who plays a double-game with a man should be rewarded, and if anyone didn't know, the spanking on the cover should settle the matter laughing face! It features good OTK positioning, surprising since the spanker is seated rather insecurely on the rear bumper of a car, and the laughing witnesses serve to increase the spankee's humiliation and confirm the spanking is well deserved.

Unfortunately, none of the three of us - Richard Windsor, B00m, and myself - were able to get the book itself, thus we do not know if the spanking was repeated inside. We (Web-Ed) suspect it was, based on some of the other spankings we've seen in Mexican comics. This title really is a genuine horror comic from the mid 1970s, a time when horror comics were still around (e.g. Tomb of Dracula at Marvel, House of Mystery and House of Secrets at DC, Vampirella at Warren, etc.), and the spanker might be a continuing character named Martin Lucero, but without some actual issues in hand we can't be sure. Complicating matters is that there seem to have been two different issues numbered #7 - we don't know why.

We're not in a financial position to buy random issues of the series just to learn more about it, but if this #7 turns up again, we'll try to snag it for the interior spanking.

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