Chicago Spanking Review

MAD About Harassment Spanking

unknown comic strip spanking.

Posted by the Web-Ed on 01/07/2011.

We begin a short series of Modern Comic Book Spankings with what we admit is a less-than-stellar example: most of CSR's readers have probably already seen it, MAD magazine (from which it was taken) isn't a comic-book, and the spanking isn't that great on its own merits.

Still, let's try to look on the positive side: some readers may not have encountered this excerpt from an article we think was entitled "You Know You've Experienced Sexual Harassment in the Workplace When ..."; MAD did begin as a four-color comic book back in 1952, and a bad spanking is better than none at all! We don't have the date this appeared even though we have it in our own MAD collection somewhere (it's not worth searching through just now) but we remember it as sometime in the 1980's. The humor here is rather on the grim side (compared to all the office-themed spankings in Humorama, for instance) as the spankee does indeed come across as the unwilling victim of sexual harassment. On the plus side is the maniacal expression on the spanker's face, although it hardly does credit to us spankos.

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