Homer Ping-Pong Paddle Spanking

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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#217 - Ping-Pong Paddling

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paddle-ball paddle spanking by homer

Posted by the Web-Ed on 11/12/2010

In the seventh entry in our series on the work of Homer Provence we see the only time (as far as we know) that he used a paddle. It's only a paddle-ball type of paddle (of an unusual shape) rather than a true spanking paddle or, as the caption might imply, a ping-pong paddle. Actual paddle-ball paddles are too thin to be effective, although the shape works well in the OTK position providing that wood of at least 5/16" thickness or lexan of 1/4" (no thicker with lexan!) is used. We often use a 1/4" lexan model, and it is quite effective as our spankees would attest!

In other respects, this is a typical Homer "spanker", which means it's pretty good - attractive spankee who likes getting the swats, very long slightly thick lower legs, and good OTK positioning. The gag involves trying to hit the ball with one side of the paddle while hitting the girl's bottom with the other - not a very practical idea, but as physical comedy it's better than most of Humorama's other stuff.

The editor wrote the caption: "I don't mind your pinging me, but the pongs bother me!" (We know it was the editor and not Homer because the linguistics, which we know by studying hundreds of these cartoons, reveal his recognizable style). As a matter of fact, though, this young lady doesn't seem bothered by the "pongs" any more than the "pings" - we'd say she loves them both!

paddle-ball paddle spanking by homer

Click to double-size. Posted by the Web-Ed on 06/24/2011.

Here is a new scan of the cartoon, from Mike's collection, that reveals a little more detail. The wording of the caption is the same as before, but the typeface is not, so the same wording was used on at least two different occasions. This one is from the 1960's.

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