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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#137 - Butler Spanks Mistress of the House

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George Morrice sometimes imitated the gags pioneered by the other members of The Big Six (Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, DeCarlo, and Homer), but we think he was at his best when he followed his own path as he did here. The humor is distinctly British, with the master of the house having retired for the evening but leaving the butler instructions to spank his wife for returning home at 3:00 A.M. In that way it's quite similar to Morrice's Maid Spanks Miss, depending for its laughs on the British class system that (presumably) still existed during Morrice's youth, although things had certainly changed by 1957 when this cartoon first appeared. The butler administers the spanking with the dry, "Very good, sir" air that was expected of the servant class, while all the usual Morrice characteristics can be found here as well: good OTK position, spankee with long lower legs, wearing a half-slip, and genuinely distressed by her predicament.

Below we have the first two appearances of the cartoon, from the Feb. 1957 issue of Gaze (contributed by Steve W) and the November 1963 issue of Comedy.

george morrice butler spanks mistress of the house for coming home late

From Gaze (February 1957, Steve W's collection). Posted by the Web-Ed on 04/26/2013 (click to triple-size).

george morrice butler spanks mistress of the house for coming home late

From Comedy (November 1963, Web Ed's collection). Posted by the Web-Ed on 04/26/2013 (click to double-size).

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