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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#136 - Secretary Spanking #37 (Morrice Tardiness Spanking)

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george morrice secretary chained in position to be spanked by everyone

From Gaze (June 1961, Steve W's collection). Posted by the Web-Ed on 04/19/2013 (click to double-size).

We mentioned last time that George Morrice often imitated the gags pioneered by the other members of The Big Six, and you can see that here. The model was clearly Kirk Stiles' Secretary Spanked for Lateness, which was nearly thirty secretary spankings ago as we reckon the time in this series! In this case, the tardy secretary is actually chained to the wall (Human Resources is going to love that) so that everyone who passes by can give her a good smack! This one appeared in June, 1961 about a year and a half after the Stiles cartoon.

The spankee has a look of genuine distress on her face, a common Morrice characteristic as is the half-slip, but of course we have no OTK position. Still, this is a decent effort which Goodman apparently decided to print at quarter-size for some reason (normally cartoons were printed full-size on each digest-sized page, but there were some exceptions).

Thanks to Steve W. for providing us with this one.

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