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Chicago Spanking Review Special Presentation

2011 - A Year of Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#17 - Borrow My Boyfriend, Will You?

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humorama bill ward f/f spanking over boyfriend borrowing

Found at SpankOz. Posted by the Web-Ed on 04/22/2011.

We begin a series-within-a-series of five F/F spankings by Bill Ward with this one in which romantic rivalry is the motive. "When I said you could borrow my things, I didn't mean my boyfriends!" our pretty brunette spanker explains to a rather puzzled-looking blonde spankee. Good OTK positioning from Ward in an effort we think probably dates from the early 1960's. The use of a hairbrush ensures the spankee will get the point! Ward employed the hairbrush more frequently than any other member of The Big Six; Stiles used it occasionally and Homer only once, in a F/F piece almost certainly inspired by Ward.

humorama bill ward f/f spanking over boyfriend borrowing

From Funhouse (August 1978, Web-Ed's collection). Posted by the Web-Ed on 05/03/2013 (click to double-size).

05/10/2013 Update: We have now what we believe to be this cartoon's third printing, from the August, 1978 issue of Funhouse (the first two printing dates are still unknown). Considerably more detail is visible in this scan than in the earlier photocopy, allowing us to appreciate Ward's rather subtle work with the conte crayon. We can also see that some of the art was truncated by the photocopy - now visible, a shelf for hats and a second illuminated mirror reveal that the setting is a backstage dressing room and that one showgirl is spanking another.

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