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Chicago Spanking Review Special Presentation

2011 - A Year of Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#37 - Marriage Counsellor #3

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humorama george morrice counsellor spanking

Posted by the Web-Ed on 07/15/2011.

Kirk Stiles did two cartoons in which a marriage counsellor prescribes spanking to cure what ails a marriage, the second of which was the previous entry in this series. Over in England, George Morrice did this one on the same theme which we suspect was inspired by those of Stiles. (Morrice is the only non-American we know of who routinely contributed "spankers" to the Humorama digests). The positioning is a little unusual, with the wife half-bent over the desk rather than taken over the counsellor's knee, and Morrice shares Stiles' trait of sometimes drawing lingerie that falls in between a full slip and cami-knickers. The result here is a semi-bare bottom, not entirely unpleasant even if not completely accurate from the clothier's point of view.

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