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Chicago Spanking Review Special Presentation

2011 - A Year of Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#46 - George Morrice Marriage Proposal Spanking

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Here is the second George Morrice spanking cartoon from the March, 1956 issue of Comedy. This must have been one of the first that Morrice drew, which may explain the use of a slipper as a spanking implement, something that is more common in England than the U.S. The OTK positioning is better than in the previous example, but this time Morrice has the spanker using the wrong hand, a common mistake of several artists on which we have commented numerous times. Nice, form-fitting cami-knickers delineate the spankee's bottom rather nicely.

We hope the gag here isn't misunderstood. Surely neither Morrice nor Abe Goodman intended to portray a forced marriage; rather, the spanking persuades a stubborn female who had no reason to turn her suitor down to be more reasonable. Ah, romance!

humorama george morrice marriage proposal spanking

From Web-Ed's collection, posted on 09/02/2011. Click to double-size.

humorama comedy march 1956 cover

Cover of the March, 1956 Comedy. Click to double-size.

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