Chicago Spanking Review

Neprakta #5

Humor Gallery

neprakta father/daughter spanking cartoon czech Dikobraz

"Realize, dear miss, that there are carpets waiting for me at home." Art by Neprakta. Originally appeared in the Czech humor magazine Dikobraz, date unknown. From the collection of Tiptopper, translation by Michal Valášek. Posted by the Web-Ed on 11/15/2013.

In the fifth of six cartoons by the Czech cartoonist Neprakta we have what appears to be a judicial administration of corporal punishment. This is a little strange, for we believe that corporal punishment for criminal offenses in the Czech Republic was abolished back in the 19th century (admittedly our sources for this are less than authoritative). But the caner is dressed in the costume of a medieval executioner, while the canee is fastened to a block at her shoulders, wrists, knees, and waist, which looks pretty official. Although some people do fantasize about judicial CP, it's an unlikely source of humor material, and the joke here seems to be that the caner is practicing for the carpet beating he has to do when he returns home.

It is highly probable that the canee did not appreciate the humor, yet once again we see how effective a caricaturist Nepratka was. He also does seem to have been fascinated by spankings, as Michal notes below, and we'll have a little more to say about that next time.

Let's continue with Michal's information about Neprakta where we left off last time:

"He also adds another interesting note in slim book 'S Nepraktou u výprasku' [Spankings with Neprakta, ed. Epocha, 2008, ISBN 978-80-87027-62-2], the book is a part of series of similar books, all titled '______ with Neprakta', based on repeating topics of his drawings: "I also had few people interested in original picture with some spanking. They admitted, they like my pictures of this topic, and that they would like one to hang on the wall, because that they do like and practice spankings. So I offered them that I will draw them, if they'll show me how it's done. And they often accepted the invitation to my studio. So I could draw a live models and they got unique picture. Every time it was a pair, man and woman, never the same sex. Sometimes the woman was dominant, sometimes man - I experienced both. You must admit that having such models is really exceptional!'"

I personally believe that Neprakta was fascinated by spankings. Maybe not in the strictly sexual fetish sense, of he didn't admitted it even for himself (considering the times of his upbringings, it would not be surprising). Spanker or not, he'll live forever in minds of Czech spanking enthusiasts.”

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