Threats and Missed Opportunities

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by web-ed »

I hope this topic doesn't result in more aggravation than satisfaction! After all, what we want to see is good spanking panels, or as close to this ideal as we can come. Here I'm going to post some threats and missed opportunities, items I've encountered that left me a little frustrated over what might have been. They may be of some interest, however, and since they don't have any actual spankings I don't want to place them in either Comics Gallery.

First up: Bill Ward's Torchy, from Modern Comics #56 (December, 1946). In discussing Ward's work, I've previously pointed out that Torchy would have made an ideal spankee, and a fine opportunity was certainly missed here when Torchy decides to obey a cave man's instructions. She muses, "I've read stories about what cave men do when their women won't obey!"
Torchy decides not to test this cave man's patience - too bad!
Torchy decides not to test this cave man's patience - too bad!
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If there's any doubt in your mind as to Torchy's spankability, here's another panel. With all the spanking cartoons that he did over the years, why couldn't Ward have done just one more spanking right here? Why?
Torchy - a fine spankee, if only!
Torchy - a fine spankee, if only!
modern_comics_no_56_good_spankee.jpg (92.79 KiB) Viewed 37586 times
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No Corporal Punishment Here

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Perhaps it's just as well, as it would have been F/M anyway, but here's another example from the very same comic book, Modern Comics #56. This is from a strip called Ezra, which was one of many Archie-imitators that surfaced over the years. In fact, this is one of the more transparent examples, as you can see from the page below. A classmate shoots a Miss Grundy-like teacher in a strategic location with his slingshot, leaving Ezra to take the blame:
I'll see you after class!
I'll see you after class!
modern_comics no_56_page31.jpg (181.56 KiB) Viewed 37598 times
"I'll attend to you after school, young man!" she says, indignant. This sure looked like a set-up for some genuine school-type swats from the paddle, but it never happened. Nowhere near as disappointing as the Torchy one a few pages earlier, but an obvious opportunity missed nonetheless.
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Metal Men Spanking Reference

Post by web-ed »

The Metal Men go back a ways, and even had their own book for a while. Here's a very recent spanking reference, from Doom Patrol #6 (March 2010, only one month before the recent Wonder Woman spanking - see my essay Still Spankin' After All These Years for details).

The situation: The Metal Men are fighting a group of female robots. Gold, whose head has been lopped off earlier in the struggle, is still trying to give orders. He calls out to Lead, "Flank her," but Lead, who's not the brightest of the crew, misunderstands:
Flank her or Spank her?
Flank her or Spank her?
metal_men_flank_her_spank_her.jpg (90.88 KiB) Viewed 37598 times
Let's meet our could-have-been spanking twosome, Lead and the naughty fembot:
Our almost-spanker, Lead.
Our almost-spanker, Lead.
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"Spank her? How's that going to help?" Trust us, Lead - it might not have helped you, but it would have helped us a whole lot!
Bad Fembot deserves a spanking!
Bad Fembot deserves a spanking!
metal_men_bad_fembot.jpg (208.35 KiB) Viewed 37598 times
Let's see - a Robot/Robot spanking that didn't come off. Only from DC, we guarantee it!
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Does Getting Whacked by a Bear's Paw Count As Spanking?

Post by web-ed »

I'm inclined to say no - a bear's paw is technically a foot, so the following is really a boot to the behind rather than a spanking:
Moronica gets "spanked" by a bear.
Moronica gets "spanked" by a bear.
Dizzy Dames 6-05_moronica_spanking_panel.jpg (112.86 KiB) Viewed 37585 times
This is from Dizzy Dames #6 (July-August 1953). With no OTK or bent-over positioning it's no good anyway, which is why I would classify it as a "missed opportunity". Moronica (that's her name) and the other "Dizzy Dames" in this book did a lot to deserve the OTK treatment, believe me.
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There's Only One Way to Punish Women Outlaws

Post by web-ed »

If ever there was a comic book that had the potential for some good M/F spanking action, it was Women Outlaws. After all, what can you do with a female outlaw in the old west? Not shoot her - that seems so ungallant. Not hang her - our society has always been reluctant to execute female criminals. And territorial prisons were terrible places. So-ooo - to paraphrase Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "There can be but one punishment" for these offenders!

Alas, in the three issues I've been able to get a hold of, there were no spankings - can you believe it? What could the writer(s) have been thinking of? Missed opportunities galore.

Here is the cover of Women Outlaws #2 (September 1948).
This bad girl shore as shootin' needs a spankin'!
This bad girl shore as shootin' needs a spankin'!
women_outlaws_no_2_cover.jpg (97.85 KiB) Viewed 37573 times
09/24/2011 Update: Much to my embarrassment :oops:, I recently discovered there was a spanking in this very issue! I had missed it because the panel was small and rather badly composed. In my defense, remember that the only way I could get through over 335,000 pages of comics (as of the present time) was to allow myself only 2 seconds viewing time per page when determining whether or not it contained a spanking. The spanking panel may be found on this page.
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add information on the spanking that really was there.
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What Are You Going to Do to Me, Dr. Fzzphz?

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This is the best set-up I've yet seen that completely went to waste. Dr. Fzzphz, who can spank quite effectively because he has four hands, has just spanked a bad boy (look for it in the next installment of Weird Spankings). Captain Marvel captures General Hddy, who's been causing trouble and who now lies about her age, pretending to be 16 when she's really 21. Her lie exposed, she asks, "What are you going to do to me, Dr. Fzzphz?"
What are you going to do to me?
What are you going to do to me?
americas_greatest_comics_no_8_post_spanking.jpg (232.92 KiB) Viewed 37567 times
This scene really cried out for a spanking - in fact it screamed for a spanking - even though it would have been the second one on the page. But all Dr. Fzzphz did was put her to work - a wasted opportunity!
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I Call It - Paddling!

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From Mary Marvel #2 (June, 1946): Mary (as Mary Batson) has been captured by the bad-guy riverboat captain. "I've got a little way of taking care of snoopers," he says. "I call it...paddling!"
I call it...paddling!
I call it...paddling!
mary_marvel_no_02_paddling.jpg (76.4 KiB) Viewed 37560 times
Unfortunately, what he means is that he's going to tie Mary to the paddle-wheel - not exactly what we'd hoped for.
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Miss Masque is Guilty

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Miss Masque has been found guilty - of parking next to a fire hydrant. Now, we've all seen those Humorama cartoons where the cop spanks the pretty traffic offender. And if illegal parking weren't bad enough, those stars we see here indicate Miss Masque is really giving the poor traffic cop an earful while Standard's No. 1 hero, The Black Terror, is blushing nearby. He probably hasn't heard language like that since he left the Army. We say, illegal parking + bad language = a good spanking.
Such language, Miss Masque!  You deserve a good spanking...
Such language, Miss Masque! You deserve a good spanking...
americas_best_comics_no_28_cover.jpg (71.49 KiB) Viewed 37552 times
Unfortunately, there were no spankings inside this issue of America's Best Comics.
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Corrected Black Terror's name.
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What To Do When A Woman Slaps You

Post by web-ed »

To date, I haven't found a single instance of Captain Marvel Jr. spanking a female - let's hope there's at least one, somewhere. I feel a little sorry for the boy - he just doesn't seem to get it. Here, a bad girl slaps him for no good reason, then taunts him, "You can't slap me back because I'm a woman!"
You can't slap me back!
You can't slap me back!
captain_marvel_jr_no_07_page_11.jpg (175.63 KiB) Viewed 37506 times
Just when you think the light bulb might have finally gone on, and CMJ might turn her OTK, he frightens her by telling her there's a mouse around!

No, CM Jr., you can't strike her the way she struck you, but you sure as heck can spank her! S-P-A-N-K! Ask CM Sr. or Mary Marvel if you're not sure how to do it. Sigh ...
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Beast Boy #4

Post by web-ed »

This one was sent in by Lyndal Ferguson, so I'll let him tell the tale:
It's a spanking threat from BEAST BOY # 4 (2000 ) , with art by JUSTINIANO . The bounty hunter Loathing (whose partner is named Fear) tells Flamebird, "Keep up the sass , Girlie Girl....and yer gonna get SPANKED!" to which she replies,
"Promises, Promises." Cute scene.
Beast Boy #4
Beast Boy #4
beast_boy_no_4_spanking_threat.jpg (209.13 KiB) Viewed 37487 times
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Bulletman Blows An Opportunity

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I just posted a lovely "togetherness" picture of Bulletman and Bulletgirl about to get blown up, and I also wanted to post this one of Bulletman alone. Here we see him presented with a golden opportunity to administer some OTK discipline:
Bulletman can't figure out how to deal with an obstreperous female.
Bulletman can't figure out how to deal with an obstreperous female.
master_comics_no_85_bulletman.jpg (230.24 KiB) Viewed 31428 times
"What am I going to do? I can't hit a lady!"

No, BM - you can't hit a woman (this one certainly is no lady), but you sure as heck can spank her! If you don't know how to do this, try talking to Superman, Batman, The Phantom, etc. (anyone except Capt. Marvel Jr.) - they can set you straight.

Bulletman was actually one of the earliest super-heroes, careening into action only a couple of years after Superman. We think every male superhero should be trained in spanking techniques so he can handle those bad girls who refuse to behave themselves.
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Nyoka, the Jungle Girl

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There must have been over a hundred stories with Nyoka, both in her own book and in other places, and I'm still going through them, but without much hope. Her stories are pretty repetitive, with most panels showing her running through the jungle, lying unconscious on the ground, or getting conked on the head. Let's take a quick look:
Nyoka #30 - conk!
Nyoka #30 - conk!
nyoka30_conk.jpg (135.47 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
He should have aimed lower with that spear - it would have been like using a cane. Next issue, they use a gun butt:
Nyoka #31 - conk!
Nyoka #31 - conk!
nyoka31_conk.jpg (143.52 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
Later that same issue, she determines not to be on the receiving end, and conks (or klonks) some poor ape on the head instead:
Nyoka #31 - klonk!
Nyoka #31 - klonk!
nyoka31_klonk.jpg (78.49 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
But it doesn't last long, because the very next issue things are back to normal:
Nyoka #32 - conk!
Nyoka #32 - conk!
nyoka32_conk.jpg (72.9 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
And the next:
Nyoka #33 - conk!
Nyoka #33 - conk!
nyoka33_conk.jpg (111.73 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
And the next:
Nyoka #34 - conk!
Nyoka #34 - conk!
nyoka34_conk.jpg (71.59 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
I think we skipped an issue to allow Nyoka time to see a neurologist.
Nyoka #36 - conk!
Nyoka #36 - conk!
nyoka36_conk.jpg (118.42 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
Even when she tries to get ahead, the result is the same in issue #45:
Nyoka gets ahead in issue #45
Nyoka gets ahead in issue #45
nyoka_gets_ahead.jpg (65.35 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
Nyoka #45 - conk!
Nyoka #45 - conk!
nyoka45_conk.jpg (81.62 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
She was in good spanking position only once (over a block), but the native guy strangely preferred the machete to a paddle:
Nyoka #8 - on the block
Nyoka #8 - on the block
nyoka_no_08_chopping_block.jpg (118.99 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
Finally, there was this weird cover that made it look like Nyoka was going to get butted by a goat as she bends over while making a judo throw! Now, this wouldn't have been anywhere near as good as a spanking even if it had happened, but inside it's the guy who gets butted by the goat while Nyoka just stands there. Go figure.
Cover of Nyoka #15
Cover of Nyoka #15
nyoka_no_15_cover.jpg (84.74 KiB) Viewed 31426 times
Last edited by web-ed on Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correct a typo.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Ripley »

That Nyoka cover to issue #15, where she is about to get her tush butted by that angry goat seems to be a common method of slapstick in the Golden Age of comics. Attached here is a similar cover I like where Jeanie is blindly riding down a railing and is totally oblivious to the spear that is about to rudely greet her bottom.
Jeanie #17 cover
Jeanie #17 cover
jeanie17-cover.jpg (76.17 KiB) Viewed 31421 times
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Jeanie #17, and the Blue Beetle

Post by web-ed »

It's interesting that you should post the cover of Jeanie #17, because as it happens that's one of the few Golden-Age books in my personal collection. You're right, of course, about that tendency during the Golden Age to do slapstick routines centered on the derriere for humorous effect. Amusing as they may have been at times, I'm sure we wish they had chosen to use M/F spankings for that purpose instead. They did use M/M spanking that way, but that hardly helps us.

Now let's take a quick look at Blue Beetle #11. When a young lady "accidentally" falls over your knee, it means she wants you to spank her. Unfortunately, no one seems to have advised Blue Beetle of that fact, so he does nothing - a classic wasted opportunity. She would have had better luck with The Phantom, whose design seems to have inspired Blue Beetle.
Joan falls over Blue Beetle's knee.
Joan falls over Blue Beetle's knee.
blue_beetle_no_11_otk_page04.jpg (176.21 KiB) Viewed 31418 times
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5000 Pages of Fox Without a Spanking

Post by web-ed »

There's no reason why our old ratio of 1200 pages per spanking has to hold up, but going through 5000 pages of Fox publications without encountering even one spanking is rather disappointing. You see, Fox was notorious for their Good Girl Art (GGA), delighting adolescents and infuriating feminists with their rather gratuitous displays of the female form.

This isn't the place to discuss eroticism in art, or why some drawing styles are more erotic than others, but as we think you'll agree from the examples below, Fox's comics laid decidedly more emphasis on this aspect of the visual arts than, say, Fawcett's. And as a matter of personal taste, I like my comics spankees on the sexy side. That's why Fox's girls would have been excellent for this purpose. For example, compare Tangi (below) with Nyoka, whom we wrote about three posts back:
Tangi, no spankee.
Tangi, no spankee.
tangi_dagar_20_31.jpg (36.04 KiB) Viewed 31418 times
As it happens, all of Fox's Jungle Girls wore very little (it must have been that jungle heat). Let's look at JoJo's girlfriend:
Cover of JoJo #25.  Bondage, yes; spanking, no.
Cover of JoJo #25. Bondage, yes; spanking, no.
jojo_no_25_cover.jpg (92.55 KiB) Viewed 31418 times
In fact, the bondage element was often present in Fox, so we have to wonder why they couldn't take that one extra step and give us some spankings, too. (Compare this bondage cover to the infamous Phantom Lady #17).

And speaking of Phantom Lady, I think I've exhausted all my sources of her stories. Here's what she looked like in Phantom Lady #15:
Phantom Lady #15.  Notice her belt-buckle emblem?  We thought not.
Phantom Lady #15. Notice her belt-buckle emblem? We thought not.
phantom_lady_15-05.jpg (77.92 KiB) Viewed 31418 times
Phantom Lady had a "PL" insignia on her belt buckle to help people recognize her, but she might as well have had the Gettsyburg Address printed there for all the good it did, at least with males - we'd guess no one ever saw it! :D

I'm not done with Fox yet, and there are many unavailable titles, so there just might be a 2nd Fox spanking somewhere (Crimes by Women is the 1st) - let's hope.
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Re: Jeanie #17, and the Blue Beetle

Post by Ripley »

web-ed wrote:Now let's take a quick look at Blue Beetle #11. When a young lady "accidentally" falls over your knee, it means she wants you to spank her. Unfortunately, no one seems to have advised Blue Beetle of that fact, so he does nothing - a classic wasted opportunity.
Just saw your post now Web, and it's was perfectly stated. Maybe he's called The Blue Beetle because he doesn't know what to do when the opportunity arises, then scampers away with a bad case of Blue Balls? It is rather hilarious to think that such a cutie should fall from the heavens right over your lap, and not knowing what to do with that! Isn't that like a Honey Bee landing on a Venus Flytrap while it's hibernating, and then flying away laughing with all the pollen. Great observations Web-Ed! You have a knack of finding the right words for all occasions. :D

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Writing, Pirate Queens, and Tiger Girl

Post by web-ed »

Ripley wrote:Great observations Web-Ed! You have a knack of finding the right words for all occasions.
Thanks, Ripley - I worked hard on my writing for many years, and it's nice to have someone take notice.

Now let's take a look at some missed opportunities from Lev Gleason Publications. First, pirate queens were a recurring theme in comics, yet I don't know of a single case in which one was spanked. Here's one from Fight Comics #55:
Fight Comics #55 - bad pirate queens should be spanked!
Fight Comics #55 - bad pirate queens should be spanked!
fight_comics_55_pirate_girl.jpg (37.38 KiB) Viewed 31329 times
Next, there were a lot of comics with Tiger Girl, but no spankings. Of course, much has been said about Jungle Girl spanking before, and even though I know it isn't likely that a female protagonist will get spanked in her own book, I'd still like to see it.
As we see here, Tiger Girl was quite spankable - in fact, those tiger stripes across her seat would make perfect guidelines for strokes with the cane (I know it's perverse, but that's how I think!).
Fight Comics #78 - The spankable Tiger Girl.
Fight Comics #78 - The spankable Tiger Girl.
fight_comics_78_comics.jpg (74.23 KiB) Viewed 31329 times
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Fiction House - Jungle Girls and Skygirl

Post by web-ed »

I'm still in the middle of searching through Fiction House's Golden Age line, which featured many Jungle Girl adventures, and the final results will be posted under "New Finds" as always, but I ran into something that required special treatment. That something was called "Skygirl," a strip I had seen years ago but forgotten about. She was never spanked in any of the stories I found, alas, but she was in so many spankable positions she deserves more notice than the standard Good Girl Art (GGA) strip.

Here we see a typical example, taken from Jumbo Comics #89:
Skygirl bends over, as she often did, for no particularly good reason.
Skygirl bends over, as she often did, for no particularly good reason.
jumbo_comics_089_skygirl_small.jpg (80.41 KiB) Viewed 31300 times
Because I have compiled seventeen other images, I can't do this topic justice here, so I have created a special Skygirl webpage,
currently not accessible from the main galleries, with large images that have to be seen to be believed, and of course my own interminable commentary.
Last edited by web-ed on Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correct lin URL, which had changed.
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The Girls of Fiction House

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Having been introduced to Skygirl, let's take a look at some of the other Fiction House girls. Fiction House had few super-heroes, but it did have a lot of Jungle characters and Good Girl Art (GGA). Now generally, I'm not the fan or collector of GGA that Riley over at is, but when it comes to spanking panels, I do prefer the art be in an erotic (i.e. GGA) style, simply because I'm looking for eroticism rather than more abstract qualities. Neal Adams and Alex Toth are better artists than Matt Baker, in my opinion, but I'd rather see a spanking rendered by Baker any day (Adams and Toth drew no spankings as far as I know, while Baker did one). Baker's erotic treatment would be more interesting to me than Adams' photo-realistic style or Toth's abstract design. 'Nuff said on this topic for now - any more would require an essay.

On to the pretty pictures. First, let's see three of the Fiction House Jungle Girls:
Sheena, Tiger Girl, and Ann
Sheena, Tiger Girl, and Ann
girls_of_fiction_house_1_300height.jpg (331.84 KiB) Viewed 31253 times
From left to right, we have Sheena, the original Jungle Girl; Tiger Girl, who was, shall we say, extremely similar except that her outfit had a Tiger pattern instead of a Leopard one like Sheena's; and Ann, Kaanga's mate, displaying her shapely derriere beneath panties that also resembled Sheena's.

Much as I would have liked to see Sheena spanked, I think Riley's observation that she's the tough type you could more easily imagine spanking some other girl is basically correct. I wouldn't be surprised to see her defeat both the girl with the spear and the eight hyenas on the cover above! So perhaps we may forgive the publisher for never providing us with a Sheena-spanking.

Tiger Girl on the other hand had a more submissive look to her, and would have made a fine spankee.

Kaanga and Ann were Fiction House's version of Tarzan and Jane. Almost every cover of Jungle Comics looked like the one above, with Kaanga trying to rescue Ann from whatever trouble she'd gotten herself into. She should have been spanked many times, and in fact she was once - the only one of the FH Jungle Girls who wound up OTK. This particular episode, which also featured a second girl getting spanked (!) will of course be posted in Comics Gallery 2. Alas, the spanking panel did not display her bottom in as attractive a fashion as the cover above. Still, it's the only true Jungle Girl spanking that we know of at this time, "true" meaning that an actual Jungle Girl is spanked, rather than just a girl spanked in the jungle (of which there are more examples).
Firehair and Camilla
Firehair and Camilla
girls_of_fiction_house_2_height350.jpg (211.15 KiB) Viewed 31253 times
On the left is Firehair, not to be confused with the later DC Western character, while on the right we see Camilla.

Firehair was one of those fiery redheads who really needed taming. This is the most spankable cover pose I could find. No spankings are known, although I still have a few of her stories to go over.

Something about Camilla made me really want to see her get the OTK treatment. Maybe it was her Nordic blonde hair and blue eyes, or maybe it was her zebra-skin outfit, unique among Jungle Girls (I believe), or maybe it was just the way she filled out the seat area of said outfit. Below we see two spankable poses:
Camilla from Jungle Comics #43, looking just as she would OTK.
Camilla from Jungle Comics #43, looking just as she would OTK.
jungle_43_camilla_1_height325.jpg (151.09 KiB) Viewed 31253 times
Camilla taking a high-dive, but it sure looks just like she's touching her toes to receive swats!
Camilla taking a high-dive, but it sure looks just like she's touching her toes to receive swats!
jungle_comics_no33_camilla_tyt.jpg (106.95 KiB) Viewed 31253 times
Alas, Camilla was never spanked OTK nor bent over for swats, so we'll just have to use our imaginations (if we're the spanking-minded type!).
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: update parenthetical expression regarding Matt Baker
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The Girls of Fiction House 2: What Might Have Been

Post by web-ed »

Searching through Fiction House has been an interesting and, in many ways fruitful, experience. Yet despite the fine M/F spankings I've discovered, I can't help wishing for more and wondering what might have been if some of the opportunities to spank these sexy young things had not been squandered. Let's take a look:
Out-of-control Amazon women who needed to be taken in hand. From Planet Comics #39.
Out-of-control Amazon women who needed to be taken in hand. From Planet Comics #39.
planet_comics_no_39_amazon_women320.jpg (1.03 MiB) Viewed 31242 times
First up: a planet in which undernourished men have become so puny that they're ruled by women! Star and his gang give the guys a mineral supplement which makes them big and strong - strong enough to spank! - yet they subdue their women largely by diving into alligator-infested waters and proving their courage that way. Strong, out-of-control women - no more perfect set-up for some serious spanking could have been devised, yet we get - nothing!
Lots of whip-wielding women who should have been caned - never happened, though.
Lots of whip-wielding women who should have been caned - never happened, though.
planet_comics_no_40_whip_girl.jpg (79.01 KiB) Viewed 31242 times
Lost World may not have had too many bad girls, but it sure had some spankable ones.
Lost World may not have had too many bad girls, but it sure had some spankable ones.
planet_no_39-47_height320.jpg (86.94 KiB) Viewed 31242 times
More GGA and even a girl tied to a whipping post on a cover!  Should have been bent over a caning bench.
More GGA and even a girl tied to a whipping post on a cover! Should have been bent over a caning bench.
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Gale Allen and her Girl Squadron.  Any further description would be superfluous.
Gale Allen and her Girl Squadron. Any further description would be superfluous.
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Gale Allen shows us her potential as a spankee, but the fool carrying her couldn't see it!
Gale Allen shows us her potential as a spankee, but the fool carrying her couldn't see it!
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To be continued in Part 3.
-- Web-Ed
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