Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB-ED CSR!! Fall isn`t until the 22nd so it still Summer :lol: didn`t know Eisner wasn`t into spanking being he did draw a Spanking in The Spirit :o anyway this one smacker is GREAT the drunk guy really did gave a HARD Whack to the woman`s bottom and seeing her reaction showed that it hurts!! wish there was some kind of background to tell where this took place! too bad Eisner wasn`t into spanking so many beautiful women needed a spanking in The Spirit :lol: THANKS 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

After further review I am willing to concede the point that the man's hand made contact with the woman's butt. My main reason for making this concession is the obvious fact that his intention was to slap the dame on the rear not on the back. No doubt you and Dan are correct in saying that the spank sent Lizzie moving forward and down causing her knees to buckle and her cigarette and its holder to fly. I'll assume there was not a second spanker on the grassy knoll and that one swat was able to cause all of that damage while allowing the man's hand to remain in pristine condition. Although the combination of drinking, eyes closed and back turned to his "subject" makes him an unreliable source for accurate palm swinging. I love the fact that we're analyzing this comic page drawing with passion akin to art scholars looking at 17th century Dutch art.

Thanks for the kind words web-ed. I know you're a busy man I am grateful for your publishing efforts. Anyway no problem about delays I'm signed-up now and look forward to your further posts uplifting the colorful history of spanking in the comic books and funny pages. Let me plug myself for a moment. Beyond discovering M/F spankings in the comics dating as far back as the 1930s I have also made available to the Spank Statement a number of newspaper articles and illustrations involving spankings. You'll find some cool stuff posted there and more to come.
Phil :geek:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

HI web-ed,

Well, this one isn't going to go down in the annals of spanking drawings as one of the classics but the man is slapping her bottom so it still counts :D . You mentioned that the stinging effect lines are too high and I think that's what makes this so confusing. I don't know about anyone else, but I am personally going to continue to think that this swat landed solidly on her bottom and not on her back, even if the spanker is drunk and facing away from her, just because it pleases me to do so :lol: . If he's a true spanker, his hand probably has an unerring talent for finding a female bottom anyway :lol: . I do have one question though. Since there is no super hero present in this one, how does it qualify as part of super spanking summer? Anyway, it's another good update :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hmmmm! Interesting picture! I'd like to know the story here. From that little piece of dialog, it looks as if she arranged to have her diamonds stolen to collect the insurance. It would appear that they think they've succeeded... and her thug friend is giving her a congratulatory pat on the back... aimed a bit low! :D :D :D :D But, was is low enough? did he slap her butt... or was it the small of her back? I can't quite tell. I'll say the lady has a nice round "target", and she's wearing a curve-hugging dress. Too bad she didn't stagger into a different cartoon and meet up with Captain Woodshed or Sam Swatt! Maybe then she would've gotten a good over-the-knee spanking for her misdeeds!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:Hi WEB-ED CSR!! Fall isn`t until the 22nd so it still Summer :lol: didn`t know Eisner wasn`t into spanking being he did draw a Spanking in The Spirit :o anyway this one smacker is GREAT the drunk guy really did gave a HARD Whack to the woman`s bottom and seeing her reaction showed that it hurts!! wish there was some kind of background to tell where this took place! too bad Eisner wasn`t into spanking so many beautiful women needed a spanking in The Spirit :lol: THANKS 8-)
Of course, Butch, its only my surmise that Eisner wasn't into spanking even though he did two OTK spankings and this butt-slap in The Spirit - if he had been into the scene he probably wouldn't have shouted it to the world. He did think enough of the famous Spirit/Ellen spanking splash page to have the original hanging in his studio for many years. I remember that Eisner said that fellow artist Bob Powell, who shared the studio with Eisner, didn't like it. That tells us that Powell wasn't into spanking but doesn't indicate Eisner's feeling about it either way. It was Eisner's comments on the story that led me to believe his purpose had been to show how even a super-hero could be enmeshed in mundane events. And here at CSR, nothing could be more ordinary than an OTK spanking! :lol:

Did Eisner do any other spankings? None that I know of, although a couple of years ago I did locate one from another strip he created - Blackhawk - but it appears to have taken place long after Eisner's involvement. I haven't posted it on CSR because I'm still trying to nail down when it appeared, but we'll be seeing it eventually. ;)
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Weekly Updates for 09/23/2016

Post by web-ed »

Rivals of Humorama was interrupted by Super-Spanking Summer after a dozen installments, but it returns now just in time for fall with our thirteenth example, Pleasure-Pain Spanking, from an unknown U.K. magazine.

There are six more installments of Rivals of Humorama after this week. Next week, we see a non-commissioned officer who really believes in "corporal" punishment! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

HI web-ed,

I like this week's update :D . I must say that I like the Stanley Rayon philosophy of drawing and I do think this is a very nicely drawn, sexy spankee in this one :D . I also think there's more to this one than just a sexy spankee though. I love the expressions :D . Our spankee is obviously starting to be in distress and perhaps starting to panic a bit as she questions when the pleasure starts :lol: . The spanker, on the other hand, is, as you noted, enjoying himself and is also finding all this very arousing 8-) . I think the drawing itself is good enough that I'm willing to overlook the fact that the spanker is using the wrong hand. It seems likely that your theory that bare bottoms upturned for a spanking being seen as too suggestive is correct, especially for American readers. That may not have been the case for British viewers though, especially if, as you suspect, this was a later publication. Good update this week :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

The Divinyls may have sung about there being a "fine line between pleasure and pain" but the OTK lady seems to think the line was painted with a roller!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!! When will this woman learn that if you're not into spanking you never get pleasure :twisted: :lol: Nice gag and a Great Drawing 8-) the over the knee is Good and the woman have a very big round bottom :D only flaw the guy is spanking with the wrong hand :x like the grin on his face showing he enjoying this :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed. I liked your latest update.
web-ed wrote:Rivals of Humorama was interrupted by Super-Spanking Summer after a dozen installments, but it returns now just in time for fall with our thirteenth example, Pleasure-Pain Spanking, from an unknown U.K. magazine.
She wants to know when the pleasure begins? It looks like it already has... FOR HIM! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
web-ed wrote:The artist, Jack Flynn, seems to us to be from the Stanley Rayon school: draw a nicely-rounded, sexy girl, and the rest of the cartoon will pretty much take care of itself.
I think I can appreciate that approach. I had never heard of Jack Flynn before, but I wonder if he ever did any other spanking cartoons? He certainly seems to like women with big round bottoms!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/23/2016

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:Hi, Web-ed. I liked your latest update.
web-ed wrote:The artist, Jack Flynn, seems to us to be from the Stanley Rayon school: draw a nicely-rounded, sexy girl, and the rest of the cartoon will pretty much take care of itself.
I think I can appreciate that approach. I had never heard of Jack Flynn before, but I wonder if he ever did any other spanking cartoons? He certainly seems to like women with big round bottoms!
I have two Flynn cartoons I intend to present as "Missed Opportunities," B00m, but neither of them has an actual spanking. Only one other Flynn spanking-themed cartoon is known to me, but it's F/M so I really have no desire to present it. I think it's floating around on the 'net somewhere.

Anyway, glad you liked this Flynn cartoon! :)
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Weekly Updates for 09/30/2016

Post by web-ed »

Rivals of Humorama continues with a non-commissioned officer who really believes in Corporal Punishment.

Next Week: Rivals of Humorama continues with yet another psychiatrist who believes his patient can be cured with a good old-fashioned spanking. We figure even if this course of treatment is not approved by the APA, it's still certainly worth a try! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

I really enjoyed all the information and observations you have presented about this week's drawing. I would say that you have definitely web-ed-ucated us this time :D . I really can't think of much I can add to what you have already said, except to say that I like the way Andrews has drawn the spankee and I also like the expressions of both spanker and spankee 8-) . Come to think of it, I also spanked a couple of naughty, young ladies when I was in the army...........although they were civilians and I wasn't a corporal :lol: . I was a specialist in the Army but spanking young ladies was actually one of my civilian specialties 8-) Good update :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed, this new spanking toon by Felix Andrews is a keeper. Its principal virtue is that it shows real commitment to the act of spanking. This guy is so "into" spanking his girl friend, he's got her legs locked so she cannot escape, and from his determined and delighted expression, we get that she is in for a good, long "punishment" that they will both enjoy!

All my other preferences for a good OTK toon are here: Her bottom is positioned nice and high, making it his primary target; her skirt is up but her panties are still in place, as they should be; and her legs are superb. I especially like that Andrews has given her some extra flesh on her thighs, to make them even sexier. As you mentioned, the gag is only about "average"... an Army corporal delivering a "corporal" punishment; but I like to think of it as an oldie but a goodie.

Phil Overbarrel reminisced that he, too, spanked some ladies when he was in the Army. I'm sure his and my G.I. careers didn't coincide, but I, too, served in the U.S. Army and got to spank a few girls. One of these lucky ladies I met when I was stationed in Japan. She became my girlfriend for the time I was over there, and I was delighted to discover that she enjoyed her spankings about as much as I enjoyed delivering them!

Thanks for the new toon, Web-ed. As I said, it's a keeper!

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

The spankee would definitely believe her punishment had a military feeling to it.

She was really experiencing an assault from the rear.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!! When this guy means Corporal Punishment he Serious Army uniform :twisted: :lol: !!! The OVER THE KNEE IS PERFECT!! with the woman bottom up high just right for a hard spanking 8-) love her facial expression :lol: the gag is funny wonder why they call it Corporal was it used in the military :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: SUPER DRAWING from Andrew 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/30/2016

Post by web-ed »

I'm glad everyone like this week's update, "Corporal Punishment". :D In terms of positioning and overall sexiness, it may well be the best cartoon in the Rivals of Humorama series. I decided to conclude with a mini-series of secretary spankings instead of "Corporal Punishment" because among them is the earliest known secretary spanking cartoon.

Needless to say, if I can find any other "spankers" from Andrews (or anyone else from that era), I'll revive the series (now scheduled for conclusion Nov. 4).

"Assault from the rear" - good one, Willjohn! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

Ha ha! I love a good spanking and a bad pun!

The lady's lace panties look really sexy... AND they don't look as if they'd offer any protection to her cute round bottom! ;) ;) ;) ;)

We don't know what she's being "punished" for, but I suspect that it's mostly an excuse for the corporal to put her across his lap and put his hand across her butt! ;) ;) ;) ;) The look on his face seems to indicate that he's enjoying himself a lot... and the look on her face seems to say she's feeling the sting!

Great find this week!
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Weekly Updates for 10/07/2016

Post by web-ed »

This week: Rivals of Humorama continues with another psychiatric case best handled by spanking, Shrink Spanks #8. This one is by George Troop, and it's his first and only "spanker" as far as I know. This is rather odd, for as I discuss on the page, Troop was a regular if unspectacular contributor to Humorama, and we would therefore expect him to have done at least one spanking cartoon there.

Next week it's more of the same, with Shrink Spanks #9. Obviously the "psychiatrist spanks patient" gag had a certain durability even if it was never going to overtake the secretary spanking in terms of sheer numbers - or likelihood! And it is the time-honored secretary spanking that will take up the final three weeks of our series. Please stay with us as two patients get cured the old-fashioned way and three secretaries discover the value of padded office chairs :lol: .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

Of course, I like the psychiatrist spankings and the idea that, as you said, "the spankee has nothing wrong with her a good spanking couldn't cure". :lol: . I also agree with your assessment of the drawing although I might add that her bottom is strangely drawn. It appears to me that her bottom ends at the waist band of her panties and I get the feeling that troop left out a couple of lines there. In addition to the other comments you made, I like the fact that the psychiatrist , after deciding that a spanking is a much better way to proceed than taking notes, has just thrown his pad and pencil down and is proceeding to give her what she really needs :lol: . As always, I enjoyed the information you posted along with the drawing as well as your comparisons with other artists we are familiar with :D . Good update. Thanks, Phil
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