Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Weekly Updates for 05/25/2018

Post by web-ed »

As many of you may have already seen from a couple of other posts, I recently made a video breakthrough that means I can renovate CSR's old video pages and start adding new ones whenever I can find the time :roll: . But I want CSR's video content to be as usable to you, the readers, as possible, so I have put up a short poll on the subject. If you want to have some input as to what I do beyond just embedding a player (I want to give you download links so you can keep the video but I need to know about formats), please take a look at the poll. :)

This Week: The Comic Strip Series continues with a revisit to a spanking from Kerry Drake.

Once again, it was my intention to present more than this one update, good as it is, but I just couldn't do it. Doctor Cylon has now sent me over 1000 items (!) but I need to sort through them all to prevent putting something up and then later finding another version requiring a page update. Fans of the good Doctor will be glad to know he's not done sending me new stuff yet, some of which was overlooked in the past when we started his gallery.

I don't know when we'll be back to having regular Doc Cylon updates, but I can promise we'll be seeing some of his super-heroine work as part of Super-Spanking Summer. And that brings us to:

Next Week: The Comic Strip Series continues as we feature a brand-new butt-slapping from Kerry Drake with new scans from Sweetspot! And oh yes - it's time to begin Super Spanking Summer! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HIWEB-ED CSR!!!!! Count down to Super Spanking Summer has began!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D this is a great time of seeing plenty of young women in short short bikini and short skirts :D :D :D :D in the park on the beach everywhere :D :D :D :D a spanko dream :lol: :lol: :lol: Kerry Drake spanking is Good but the only flaw is Bootsie`s bottom :? the otk is great and love how Lefty is carrying her under his arm :twisted: :lol: :lol: 8-) to make a great spanking scene the artist have to give the spankee a nice large target to hit :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Good spanking in comic! and well deserved :!: :!: :!:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

I remember that strip from when it came out, although I thought it was earlier than 1970.

The old, improbable idea that a rich old man would be happy to see a stranger spank his granddaughter "because she needed it." A more likely result would be Bootsie visiting the local Police Station and Lefty finding himself before a magistrate with a stiff fine to come. A nice little fantasy, though.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

willjohn wrote:I remember that strip from when it came out, although I thought it was earlier than 1970.

Perhaps, willjohn, you are remembering Bootsie Belmont's first appearance in the comic strip Kerry Drake in 1967. Here too she displayed incredible brat behavior and yet went unspanked. Perhaps enough readers complained about this great injustice that Alfred Andriola [or more likely one of his several low paid assistants] brought her back in 1970 and had her immediately spanked.

Kerry Drake strips from February 6 and February 8 1967
KerryDrakeFeb6,1967BootsieBelmont.jpg (52.83 KiB) Viewed 2058 times
KerryDrakeFeb8,1967Bootsie Belmont.jpg
KerryDrakeFeb8,1967Bootsie Belmont.jpg (46.61 KiB) Viewed 2058 times
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

No, I only remembered the one with the horse. It may have something to do with my advancing years. I do not remember the one with the maid.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

This spanking certainly was well earned. I liked the way he carried her under his arm and I also thought the artist did a good job of capturing the action of the spanking itself :D . It's a good update even if we really can't see her bottom very well. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

The one thing that puzzles me is that " Lefty" is usually a nickname for a left handed man but he is spanking her with his right hand.

Surely he was not a communist :? ?
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:The one thing that puzzles me is that " Lefty" is usually a nickname for a left handed man but he is spanking her with his right hand.

Surely he was not a communist :? ?
Interesting question, willjohn - he's holding his drink in his right hand, also. Does anyone know how Lefty got his nickname? :?:
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 06/01/2018

Post by web-ed »

No new spankings discovered in May despite searching more than 3000 pages. This is a little discouraging given that I've mostly been going through old romance comics, but the search will continue.

This week:
  • The Comic Strip Series continues as we feature a as we feature a brand-new butt-slapping from Kerry Drake with new scans from Sweetspot.
  • Our annual Super-Spanking Summer gets off to a running start with The Galaxy Trio as Meteor Man Spanks Gravity Girl. Art by El Manto Negro. And each week we'll have another spanking involving a superheroine and/or a super-villainess!
Next week: The Comic Strip Series continues as we revisit a spanking from Apple Mary - new scans from Sweetspot. And Super-Spanking Summer paddles on as She-Ra spanks Hakufu Sonsaku - wild! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

I enjoyed the information and speculation about the Kerry Drake spanking. While this looks like a good swat. I've always thought that a single swat is usually administered by someone who really doesn't understand the benefits of a good spanking and the proper way to go about it.

I wasn't watching stuff like Meteor man or Gravity girl by 1967 as I had my own spankee girlfriend by that time :lol: . I do like her facial expression as she waits for that giant hand to land 8-) . What he probably should have done is to enlarge his brain so he'd know which hand to spank her with :lol: . Down the line, when her body starts to sag, she may be sorry about all that gravity :lol: . Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

willjohn wrote:The one thing that puzzles me is that " Lefty" is usually a nickname for a left handed man but he is spanking her with his right hand.

Surely he was not a communist :? ?
Kerry Drake June 18, 1967. Web-Ed asked if anyone knew the origin of David 'Lefty' Drake's nickname. So I took up the quest. Before we go any further I have to admit that I was unable to pin down the answer [I'm not going to do an exhaustive search on a topic that is - well quite frankly interesting but a bit off-topic, if you know what I mean :lol:.] So if your only reason for reading the next several posts is to discover why David Drake is nicknamed Lefty you might as well stop reading now. :!: This is a very strange fraternal relationship. We immediately find out that in June of 1967 these two brothers have not seen each other in many years. David has of late been living in Hong Kong but when things got 'hairy' he headed back to the states and to Kerry's hometown to establish a private detective agency. He expected to run into Kerry but has made no attempt to contact the man who had been helping him out of jams since they were children. We'll note that Kerry immediately calls him Lefty not David.
KerryDrake and Lefty June 18 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Lefty June 18 1967.jpg (50.44 KiB) Viewed 2092 times
Kerry Drake June 19, 1967 We can't tell by the artwork - especially of course when we are looking at black and white frames - but Lefty is a redhead. In fact, minor characters [nurses, crooks] frequently refer to him as "Red". I'm very left-handed but no one has ever referred to me as lefty. I bet if I had a head of blazing red-hair some people would notice and nickname me "Red". Oh by the way, willjohn and Web-Ed have already noticed that Lefty isn't necessarily a southpaw but being obsessive about this kind of thing I had to see for myself. :roll: By the way, it's interesting to see so many of these characters smoke up a storm. They smoke in restaurants, the police station, in homes and at the hospital. You know it's 1967. Just odd to see from our 2018 point of view.
KerryDrake and Lefty June19, 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Lefty June19, 1967.jpg (72.66 KiB) Viewed 2092 times
Kerry Drake June 20, 1967 A Picasso has been stolen. Kerry's initial police work is rather odd. Just sitting on it in anticipation of a ransom note just doesn't cut it. Much more likely that the art ends up in the hands of a private collector and indeed that turns out to be the case. How odd is it that Kerry refers to Mindy as 'my wife' to his own brother.
KerryDrake and Lefty June 20, 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Lefty June 20, 1967.jpg (47.82 KiB) Viewed 2092 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

Kerry Drake June 21, 1967 Kerry Drake got it start in October 1943 but David Drake doesn't make an appearance until June 1967. I conjecture here and invite the input of others. ;) :) In 1967 in the midst of the Vietnam War police officers - think of the '60s term 'PIGS' and authority figures in general aren't experiencing an uptick in popularity. Private Eyes on the other hand are considered anti-establishment, rule-breaking, roguish good-guys. TV is all about private detectives at this time [for example, Joe Mannix makes his debut in 1967] Allen Saunders [uncredited writer - think Steve Roper] brings in a private eye, also named Drake, who can be a non-conformist, foot-on-your-desk, anti-hero. This will also free-up Kerry to pay attention to some pressing family matters. Here we are reminded that private eyes rate low with the city police. Never-the-less Kerry will always be there to come to the rescue of his younger brother. We also find out that the right-handed smoker Lefty does indeed know the name of Kerry's wife.
KerryDrake and Lefty June 21, 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Lefty June 21, 1967.jpg (40.92 KiB) Viewed 2091 times
Kerry Drake June 22, 1967 Instead of visiting with his brother and sister-in-law [whom he may never have met] Lefty returns to this office. He has already been in town long enough to set-up shop including hiring the obligatory, for a private-eye, beautiful, hard-working but neglected secretary who is called upon for comic-relief. She's calls him lefty. We weren't around if she ever asked who tagged him with his nick name.
KerryDrake and Lefty June 22, 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Lefty June 22, 1967.jpg (37.3 KiB) Viewed 2091 times
Kerry Drake June 25, 1967 I wanted to include this panel for one particular reason. I want you to note that Mindy Drake ["If I go outside again Kerry will spank me"] is about 7 months pregnant with quadruplets. :o I don't know, it came on sudden and the word pregnant is never mentioned. Mindy gives birth all over the first week of September. I've been looking around the strips for a couple of years now and I've yet to see a pregnant looking pregnant woman in the many classic strips of the last century.
KerryDrake and Mindy June 25, 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Mindy June 25, 1967.jpg (67.03 KiB) Viewed 2091 times
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Sweetspot »

Kerry Drake August 20, 1967 Getting back to the topic at hand :lol: We see what for me was the tipping point in determining if Lefty Drake is indeed a lefty. At the most definitive moment of the story when the bad-guy [brains behind the Picasso theft] must be neutralized or he will be killing someone, we see the swim-suit clad Lefty hurl the work of art with his right-hand. :o Lefty is not left-handed and I have no idea why he is called Lefty. There doesn't seem to be any coordination between Allen Saunders and artist Alfred Andriola [and his assistants]. Certainly readers must have noticed this inconsistency and asked for an explanation but if one was ever given in the strip I don't know. Perhaps the intention all along was just to leave the irony of Lefty's nickname as some kind of a 'wink-wink' inside joke among regular readers and the strip's creators. :? :roll: [Like never finding out Penny's last name before marriage on The Big Bang Theory.]
KerryDrake and Lefty August 20, 1967.jpg
KerryDrake and Lefty August 20, 1967.jpg (48.49 KiB) Viewed 2091 times

OK enough of this as interesting as that stuff is to me. Now I owe you a gratuitous spanking scene and here's a good one from 1952 and a Portugese source thanks to the scanning effort of our South America bureau chief ANDRE:
PortugusesANDRE1952.jpg (54.69 KiB) Viewed 2091 times
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Weekly Updates for 06/08/2018

Post by web-ed »

Interesting stuff on Lefty Drake, Phil, even if the reason a right-handed man got the nickname "Lefty" remains obscure.

The Portuguese spanking was good, although the pair's noses were strangely drawn. :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

I think the carrot nose was a trademark of the cartoonist.
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Weekly Updates for 06/08/2018

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:I think the carrot nose was a trademark of the cartoonist.
Could well be, Willjohn. It's o.k. that the artist made his characters' faces look like snowmen since it doesn't detract from the spanking :lol: .

This week's updates: And I would certainly be remiss if I forgot to mention two fine ongoing series by our Resident Artists: Hugob00m has turned back the clock to O.T. Katie's college days to bring us "Katie and the Hacker," while Phil Overbarrel is continuing his panoramic "Growing Pains" (episode 4). Unfortunately I cannot add the links here because of the board's two-link-per-post limit, but you can find them easily by going to the "Board Index" and then "Resident Artists".

Trust the ol' Web-Ed on this one: you don't want to miss either of these fine spanking strips :D !

Next Week:

The Comic Strip Series continues as we take a look at Moon Mullins - another discovery by Sweetspot. And Super-Spanking Summer begins a two-part mini-series on Zatanna as she gets a "big hand" from The Shadow Thief - but not the kind she wants! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!!!!! What Summer would be without Hot weather and Hot females bottoms :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: Nice info Sweetspot on The Spanking in Apple Mary 8-) 8-) love seeing a very shapely round mature woman bottom being spanked soundly atl( Across The lap) :D :D :D don`t think that was Apple Mary :? :lol: :lol: Great Spanking 8-) miss last week Super Female spanking :x but this week spanking drawing is Good !!!!!She Ra seem to be a hard spanker as she warm the upturn rear of Hakufu Sonsaku :lol: :lol: like her facial expression :lol: :lol: :lol: maybe She Ra could turn Evil Lyn over her knee one day! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: THANKS :!: :!:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

I think Phil did a really good job of providing us with details of this story, history of the strip and it's eventual disposition and a much more detailed and clear spanking panel :D . It strikes me that Martha Orr may have pulled this story line out of her own past or at least her own fantasies ;) . Of course the naughty girl who gets a well deserved spanking and then falls for her spanker is a classic story but I think the way Martha presents this is quite good :D . For one thing, the expressions on our spankee's face before, during and after the spanking really almost tell the story without even considering the words. She has also captured the action of the spanking and the struggles of the spankee really well 8-) . Like you said, women, apparently including Martha, love masterful men :lol:

Except for the explanation you have provided, I have no idea who the players are in the second update :lol: . Of course, I'm not a fan of these as a general rule. Still, it's a nice depiction of a spanking, even if it is F/F :D . Good updates. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed. I haven't been logged on for a while, but today I had a chance to comment on your latest update.

I really liked the Apple Mary spanking panel, and the additional information that put the spanking in its context. The woman was slightly plump, but very well-proportioned with a nicely-rounded target for the punishment. And I love her response to the spanking he gave her!

Regarding "Lefty" Drake... It was fun to see him spank a spoiled brat in her riding breeches... even if he used his right hand... which would be the "wrong" hand for someone named "Lefty"... and then we learn that he did pretty much everything right-handed. HUH? Oh well... At least we got to see him spank a pretty girl!
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Weekly Updates for 06/15/2018

Post by web-ed »

I've always liked Zatanna as a spankee, but unfortunately there hasn't been that much out there - what there has, I've posted for the most part. Maybe it's the costume, or the suggestion in her early appearances of good-sized but nicely-proportioned thighs and buttocks, but Zatanna always seemed eminently spankable. Therefor I'm glad to be able to offer a two-week mini-series as part of Super-Spanking Summer. We'll have two spankings from Bisontom and two nice bending-over poses here on the forum :D .

Phil S. continues his winning streak with another previously-undiscovered spanking, and from a rather unlikely source: Moon Mullins. Of course, because spankings were so common in America during the first half of the 20th century (and they're not exactly rare even today), it's always possible that one will appear in any given strip. The one we present this week of Mamie by Moon's little brother Kayo is a fun sort of role-reversal, of course more humorous than erotic but still a welcome find.

Next Week:

he Comic Strip Series continues as we take a look at Mutt and Jeff - another discovery by Sweetspot. And Super-Spanking Summer concludes a two-part mini-series on Zatanna as she gets first spellbound - literally - and then paddled! :)
-- Web-Ed
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