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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#117 - Bellos Fence Spanking

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boy whacks bending-over woman with stick

From Gee-Whiz (August, 1961). Scanned from the collection of and posted by the Web-Ed on 12/07/2012 click to double-size).

Multiple-panel gags were less common than single-panel cartoons at Humorama, if for no other reason than they're more work for the artist, who after all was being paid very little money. The only multiple-panel Humorama spanking we have seen prior to this one was Bill Wenzel's Sad Spanking Tale. Gene Bellos had to draw this spankee three times, first bending over in her garden, then straightening up suddenly as we wonder what has happened, and finally looking after the boy whose drumming on the top of her fence accidentally(?) turned into a stroke of the switch across her behind.

This is another example of the "bend over, get a swat" gag that went back to Burlesque, and it's a superior specimen of the genre. Bellos was not a frequent contributor to Humorama, and this is the only spanking cartoon of his we know about. Whether this is the first or second appearance of this cartoon is still not known.

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