Chicago Spanking Review

Buz Sawyer Spanks Jungle Girl

Comics Gallery 2

We found this spanking panel and the alteration below rather late in our "strip search" as we like to call it. In fact, although Roy Crane's signature is plain enough, the two had contradictory names, one indicating it was Crane's Buz Sawyer, the other suggesting it was Captain Easy. A photostatic copy of only fair quality, we compared it with known samples of both characters anyway and come to the conclusion that it's from Buz Sawyer (see the Roy Crane Index below if you want to make your own comparison, or just to see other Crane spanking comics we've posted in the past).

buz sawyer spanks jungle girl

Art by Roy Crane, dated May 7, year of publication unknown. © King Features Syndicate. Posted by the Web-Ed on 04/08/2011.

By giving this the title "Buz Sawyer Jungle Girl Spanking", we're being a little sensationalistic since the spankee is probably just a typical spoiled brat in a two-piece swimsuit rather than an actual Jungle Girl. Still, the piece rates some excitement - good OTK positioning as usual from Crane, giving us a fine view as the seat of those shorts is stretched tight while Buz informs the spankee, "I'll take over and you'll get what's coming to you!" Amen to that, brother Buz!

buz sawyer spanks jungle girl

Alterations by an unknown artist - could be Funbun.

"Shorts down!" appears to be the succinct spanking motto of the unknown artist who de-pantsed the spankee here. Unfortunately, we don't have any record of where we found either this or the original, but we were lucky to run across it since it is certainly less known than the other spankings from Roy Crane. Speaking of which, here is a complete index of Crane spanking panels at CSR:

  1. Buz Sawyer Spanks Cobra
  2. Buz Sawyer Spanks Jungle Girl (this page)
  3. Captain Easy #1
  4. Captain Easy #2
  5. Captain Easy #3
  6. Captain Easy #4
  7. Captain Easy #5

buz sawyer spanks jungle girl

© King Features Syndicate.

01/06/2017 update: Some new scans of this good strip (and scene!) have become available, so we can now answer a lot of questions and see the spanking in context. Let's take a moment first to enjoy a better reproduction of the spanking panel: Crane's background trees look much better now after being nearly unrecognizable in the version above, while the target region is clearer if nothing else.

The new scans we're going to see are the first of many provided by a Brazilian comics fan we'll call Andre. He's done a terrific job as we'll see first with these new scans which provide the context for the spanking scene, which we now know appeared in 1947. This first one shows the strip from May 2 to May 6. Kitty (our spankee-to-be) takes their canoe and runs off, so Buz has to get it back at great risk:

buz sawyer spanking lead in from 05-02-1947 to 05-06-1947

05-02-1947 to 05-06-1947. There's also something of a missed opportunity here, as Kitty swings the canoe paddle at Buz's head which might be the last straw that earns her the spanking. Buz could easily have taken that paddle from her and given her a good swat after returning her to the hands-and-knees position she was in the panel before. © King Features Syndicate.

After the spanking, Kitty runs off but soon realizes she can't survive in the jungle without Buz's help and returns to him. She tries to soften him up with her female charms, and we have to wonder if she's really attracted to him and if so whether it's his rugged handsomeness or the spanking he gave her - or perhaps both.

buz sawyer spanking lead in from 05-07-1947 to 05-12-1947

05-07-1947 to 05-12-1947. Scans by Andre. © King Features Syndicate. Posted by the Web-Ed on 01/06/2017.

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