Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

Begosh and begorrah,
The spanking's tomorrow.
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Re: Memories of Childhood

Post by dmsherwood53 »

[Moved from Hugob00m's Gallery by Web-Ed]
Hi web-ed I mention it here because you only read your Email Once every 2 month. But a Post of mine "Memories of Child hood MIGH break your prohibition on Children. The POINT of the Annocdote is my reaction to young gir l getting a Whach on ther back of her skirt and no graphic details are given so it might squeak thru but gIive me hEADS UP IF NOT.
Reply Please to dmsherwood53@hotmail.com

Yeah, I've been trying hard to keep up but haven't been able to. I'll take a look and get back to you. I'd love to post some of your fiction during April for our anniversary. Thanks!

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Weekly Updates for 03/21/2024

Post by web-ed »

Spring is here, but I don't have any spring-themed material (B00m does have his St. Patrick's Day special). What I do have is this:
  • Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with a return to Ho Ho Ho and three more variations on this Julius Zimmerman yuletide classic.
  • We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Take a Licking. This one is pretty strange and revolves entirely around the double-meaning of the word "licking" which in some areas used to be a common synonym for "spanking" (in some schools, swats with the paddle were called "licks"). It doesn't work too well, but it's better than nothing. This is the last Engleman "spanker" that I know of.
  • It's traditional to have O. T. Katie celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and Resident Artist Hugob00m once again honors that tradition with a new Katie strip! :lol: (No link here, but you can find one on the Home Page or proceed directly to B00m's gallery from here).
Next Week: The Public Paddlings Series returns with three more ladies accepting swats at the Hofbrauhaus. Be sure to catch all the fun here next week! :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:49 am Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with a return to Ho Ho Ho and three more variations on this Julius Zimmerman yuletide classic.
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:49 am Rubber bands may rule, but Tinkerbell's behind looks like a paddle has been applied to it from the fuller red coloring treatment by Doctor Cylon.
Maybe the Keebler Elf has a paddle that's the right size for his hand and her butt?
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:49 am We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Take a Licking. This one is pretty strange and revolves entirely around the double-meaning of the word "licking" which in some areas used to be a common synonym for "spanking" (in some schools, swats with the paddle were called "licks"). It doesn't work too well, but it's better than nothing. This is the last Engleman "spanker" that I know of.
If she's recently had a bath, she might be lickable. Hmmm... I wonder if she told him. "Kiss my ass!" and he took it literally? I've heard of "tongue lashings" but is this carrying it too far?
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:49 am It's traditional to have O. T. Katie celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and Resident Artist Hugob00m once again honors that tradition with a new Katie strip!
Thanks for the plug! Of course, Katie. being an Irish-American, wants to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. And Haigh, the leprechaun, has her convinced that a spanking from one of the "wee-folk" will bring her good luck. Well, she might be lucky in other aspects of her life... but if she thinks her luck will allow her to avoid getting spanked by her boss, or her husband, or the cop who patrols her neighborhood... she's out of luck there! :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!!! For such a tiny woman Tinker Bell have a very big bottom :twisted: :lol: :lol: too bad doctor Cylon can`t turn her over his knee for a traditional spanking :twisted: :lol: :lol: like how Tinker is bending over teasing doctor Cylon to smack it :twisted: :lol: Exciting drawing ! don`t know what the guy in Good licking is planning on doing to his beautiful wife! but the look on her face says she would enjoy both :twisted: :lol: good Otk position with the wife`s bottom turned up high on her husband`s lap! Good drawing!! Thanks stay safe!
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Weekly Updates for 03/29/2024 - Part 1

Post by web-ed »

  • Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with a Rubber Band to the Rear.
  • We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Fly-Swatter Spanking. Yep, it's that grand old gag with a slight twist: this time, the poor old guy really was trying to swat a fly when he missed and swatted the rear end of a pretty girl instead! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 03/29/2024 - Part 2

Post by web-ed »

  • It's Kaylyn's Birthday in O. T. Katie, and Resident Artist Hugob00m seems to believe in honoring one birthday tradition in particular... :lol:
  • Extra Bonus: The Public Paddlings Series returns with three more women getting their swats at the Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas, including one of the hardest we've seen. :o
O.K., it's late and I'm tired so I guess the updates will have to speak for themselves. Next week, Doctor Cylon will have more of Tinker Bell, we'll have another modern spanking cartoon, B00m is working on something I'm sure, and The Public Paddlings Series will be interrupted once again (returning in two weeks) as I bring in the first of four special presentations for four special members of the CSR Family - more on that next time because I'm too weary to get into it now. :|

[Next morning postscript]
I've completed my searches of Sick and Sex to Sexty. I found nothing more in the available issues of Sick edited by Jack Sparling, whom I've long believed to be a spanko. He seems to have taken over around issue #120 (I haven't checked 113-119) and was with the publication until its last issue (#134, which had the one known spanking). I'm not going to go through the available non-Sparling issues because I don't think there's anything there.

There was one other feature that might be of some interest from Sparling's tenure, and that was Ego-Man, an obvious parody of Stan Lee. The problems are that it's rather far afield for CSR even though Lee scripted seven known spankings and that at this point, 46 years after it was written, I would have to explain who the other characters in it were. I suppose I should add that probably no one would be interested in a topical satire of the comics industry as it was in 1978, but if anyone is interested I'll see if I can pull something together on it.

In all, I have searched 44 issues of Sex to Sexty including some "super" editions (together less than half of the run) that I believe were compilations of previously published material. It's kind of a chore wading through that much bad material, but there was some work by Ward, Wenzel, Flynn, and the cartoonists who did actual spankers that was worthwhile. Most of these scans were due to D. D. Teoli Jr., and since I've now gone through all of them (I think they must have been Andre's source as well) we may never know about any other spankings in the title as I'm not going to try to get physical copies of the remaining issues.

Including one additional spanking I just found last week, there are three from Sex to Sexty we haven't seen yet, and we'll get to them all in April.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Happy Good Friday WEB-ED CSR !!!!! haven't seen a Rubber Ban use on a female's bottom since JR High when I used to shoot them at girls and a few female teachers rear ends :twisted: :lol: :lol: I can see that Tinker Bell not liking this tool of punishment by Doctor Cylon :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: Good drawing! that a hard smack to leave a imprint on the lady`s buttocks :twisted: :lol: :lol: guy really did earn that black eye :evil: :lol: :lol: question is did he kill the fly :?: :?: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: Great drawing good gag !!! Waitress swings a mean paddle Ouch bet that lady will feel the sting for sometime :twisted: :lol: :lol: excellent!!! have a Happy Easter and Be Safe!!!!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:13 pm Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with a Rubber Band to the Rear.
She's sort of cute, in spite of her over-sized boobs and over-exposed privates. But, instead of using a rubbing band, I still think the Keebler elf should be using a paddle that's proportionate to her size. I suppose the equivalent for a normal-sized woman would be getting smacked with an inner-tube.
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:13 pm We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Fly-Swatter Spanking. Yep, it's that grand old gag with a slight twist: this time, the poor old guy really was trying to swat a fly when he missed and swatted the rear end of a pretty girl instead!
It looks like she didn't really believe he was trying to swat a fly, and he got a black eye for his effort. :( :( :( :(
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:23 pm It's Kaylyn's Birthday in O. T. Katie, and Resident Artist Hugob00m seems to believe in honoring one birthday tradition in particular...
Thanks for the plug. Yes, Kaylyn had a birthday... and her husband enjoyed the celebration! Hopefully her fans like it.
web-ed wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:23 pm Extra Bonus: The Public Paddlings Series returns with three more women getting their swats at the Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas, including one of the hardest we've seen.
I think my favorite is the one that you gave us at several different speeds. :D :D :D :D
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Weekly Updates for 04/05/2024 - Part 1

Post by web-ed »

April has arrived, and with it CSR's 20th Anniversary! While someone who shall remain nameless forgot to record the exact date in April 2004 the site went live :oops: , thus leaving behind a mystery to be debated by future scholars, I can say that I began coding the Home Page on Feb. 7 because that date was automatically recorded in the HTML itself. I wish I could do another anniversary special like last year's "Who Was the ACES Artist?" but I simply can't manage it this year. However, I do have something else planned for this month.

For a long while I've wanted to do something special for each of our long-time readers/contributors, and I guess this is the time. My problems were (1) I wouldn't be able to give something to everyone who's contributed to making CSR what it is today because so many people have helped us out over the years, and (2) what exactly could I give to anyone anyway? In the end I could only come up with little gifts, let's call them, for four of our old-timers: Dan, B00m, Willjohn, and Butch (to whom I dedicate this week's La Gran Sangre since it was his idea in the first place), and we'll see one of them each week in April. No slight is intended to the many others who have done so much for all of us, and I'll try to mention each of them over the next three weeks, hoping I don't forget anyone.

Now let's get to Part 1 of the updates:
  • Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with Tinker Bell Comic #2.
  • We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Shrink Spank #10. It's another old gag with a twist: this patient suggests to her psychiatrist that what she needs is a good spanking - and who are we to disagree with her? :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 04/05/2024 - Part 2

Post by web-ed »

  • It's Katie's April Fool's Day , in which Katie has a brilliant plan to play a practical joke on Bullmoose and get away with it. Come see if her plan will succeed - hey, there's a first time for everything! :lol: - in Resident Artist Hugob00m's latest O. T. Katie adventure!
    Extra Bonus for Butch: The Public Paddlings Series goes on hold for a week so that we can look at La Gran Sangre, a Peruvian television series, and see how Tony spanks a bad girl who pulls a knife on him.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

First, happy anniversary.
web-ed wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:31 pm Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with Tinker Bell Comic #2.
As I said before, I dont think they should've put such over-sized boobs on Tinkerbell. She's supposed to be able to fly with those little dragonfly wings! But I do like her facial expressions.
web-ed wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:31 pm We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Shrink Spank #10. It's another old gag with a twist: this patient suggests to her psychiatrist that what she needs is a good spanking - and who are we to disagree with her?
She certainly has the target for it. The Psychiatrist seems to have been caught off-guard by her suggestion. I hope he gets oer his initial shock and decides to have some fun!
web-ed wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:36 pm t's Katie's April Fool's Day , in which Katie has a brilliant plan to play a practical joke on Bullmoose and get away with it. Come see if her plan will succeed - hey, there's a first time for everything! - in Resident Artist Hugob00m's latest O. T. Katie adventure!
Thanks for the plug. Katie thinks her plan can work... but will it?
web-ed wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:36 pm Extra Bonus for Butch: The Public Paddlings Series goes on hold for a week so that we can look at La Gran Sangre, a Peruvian television series, and see how Tony spanks a bad girl who pulls a knife on him.
That looks like fun! The bad girl's pants are nice and tight, and make an entertaining sound when the man's hand strikes!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

The good work just keeps coming! Sorry I have so remiss in commenting.
Certainly agree with comment on spankings over tight pants. Certainly with the populariy of yoga pants, spandex exercise or running tights there are lots of opportunities avaiable nowadays.
Maybe one will turn up in your ongoing Public Paddlings clip series.
Speaking of which that hard swat last week was certainly that! Thought has occurred of wondering whether some girl has been brave or foolish enough to take a swat while wearing booty shorts that expose her bare butt cheeks. If so, she would not be sitting perched on a bar stool the rest of the evening! Especially if it was a hard one like that.
Would love to see something with twerking and spanking. Oh, that might be something for OTKatie; she does have a tendency to pull stunts that result in a red and sore posterior.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!!! Thanks for The La Gran Sangre spanking clip! lot of people comment calling it John Wick spanks Black Widow !! that would be a good thing to see in a comic book :twisted: :lol: :lol: also there was a couple of bad females in Those John Wick movies that needed a good over the knee spanking !! too bad the writers didn`t do it :x :x Big Thumbs Up to the people South Of The Boarder who keeping spanking alive in through tv shows movies and comic books :D :D 8-) 8-) will Tinker Bell ever learn her bottom is way to big and shapely to fit through that key hole :twisted: :lol: :lol: love how Doctor Cylon turns it a nice shade of red :twisted: :lol: :lol: Fantastic drawing!! Love how the woman want her Shrink to get to the bottom of her problems :twisted: :lol: :lol: Good drawing :!: :!: Thanks Be Safe!!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 04/05/2024

Post by web-ed »

Tanner wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:20 am The good work just keeps coming! Sorry I have so remiss in commenting.
Certainly agree with comment on spankings over tight pants. Certainly with the popularity of yoga pants, spandex exercise or running tights there are lots of opportunities avaiable nowadays.
Maybe one will turn up in your ongoing Public Paddlings clip series.
Speaking of which that hard swat last week was certainly that! Thought has occurred of wondering whether some girl has been brave or foolish enough to take a swat while wearing booty shorts that expose her bare butt cheeks. If so, she would not be sitting perched on a bar stool the rest of the evening! Especially if it was a hard one like that.
Hi Tanner!

I figured you were still with us. We have lots of readers who don't comment at all, so your periodic missives are certainly welcome.

On the Public Paddlings, I don't recall any yoga pants in my store of videos, but we do have some dresses and shorts. In fact, although we won't quite get to it this month, I have one with a young lady in tight-fitting cut-off shorts with an excellent side view (I've edited multiple slow-motion versions) :) . We will get to multiple paddlings on April 26, one of which features a young beauty wearing tight leather pants who assumes the position beautifully, but some idiot cut off the filming just before the swat was delivered! :x

One more thing I want to mention: four CSR old-timers are getting some special recognition this month, and I don't want you to feel slighted for not being among them. It was really more a question of what specific material I could manage to produce that was suitable for each person, which in your case would probably have been an article on spanking in old men's magazines like Mr., the raw material for which I have, or a collection of jungle-girl spankings which unfortunately I don't have! (I think I've got one of Red Sonja somewhere). I simply could not pull that article together this year, whereas I had last week's La Gran Sangria video for Butch readily available and this week's skirt-raising special for Dan requiring no additional effort on my part.
-- Web-Ed
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20th Anniversary Honor Roll - Part 1

Post by web-ed »

Many people have contributed to CSR over the past 20 years, and I'd like to list some of them each week. If you're curious about any of the names below, you can put them in the search box on the Home Page and with a little luck you'll find the CSR pages they're on.

Alan has contributed a lot of comics material and paperback covers among other things. In fact, I think he's sent me some more stuff I haven't gotten to yet...

Arkham-Insanity was one of the young spanking artists we profiled back in 2010, and we have one or two other of her works on display in Comics Gallery 1. She is still active.

Andre at SPK has unearthed an incredible amount of material from comics and men's humor cartoon magazines, some of which we've been seeing recently in the Rivals of Humorama Series.

Bawdy Bard is best known for the many spanking scenes (always consensual!) his fertile imagination has produced with artist Kevin Karstens. Most of these are probably in the Stage Screen and Television Gallery, but there are a few in Comics Gallery 1 as well.

Bill - I'm embarrassed to admit I'm having trouble putting my hands on his contributions right now, although I believe I have a folder with some of his art I've never gotten to. Maybe I can get back to this question before the month is over.

Blaze3man has put us wise to several X-Men spankings and perhaps some other things I'm forgetting right now.

Cc was also featured as part of our 2010 Young Spanking Artists Series. As far as I know, she has moved on to other things.

Charlie - I know he sent us something, but I can't remember what it was :? - damn! I can remember maybe a couple of words from his email so maybe more will come back to me.

Congolike - a significant spanking artist, among other things he did a Merryman/Dumb Bunny commission for me which is proudly displayed to this day in Comics Gallery 1.

Coyote On Fire did some fanny-on-fire colorations for us a few years ago.

Dan Rivera needs no introduction here since he's one of our Resident Artists. I would guess Spanky Sal is his most popular creation, although I myself have always had a soft spot in my heart for Captain Woodshed, that spanker of naughty female evil-doers! :)

David Sherwood - our Fiction Section would probably be a forgotten memory by now if not for him, and he's also commissioned some good spanking art going back many years. He also provided the Time Bokan material, weird and fun stuff, that we did a couple of years ago.

Doctor Cylon also needs no introduction as he's been a mainstay around here forever. Many weeks these past four years I'd have been in real trouble if it weren't for the updates he and Hugob00m have so reliably provided.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 04/12/2024 - Part 1

Post by web-ed »

  • Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with an homage to the classic moment in Peter Pan when Tink discovers she has wide hips.
  • We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Secretary Spanking #A8. Will these secretaries never learn? :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 04/12/2024 - Part 2

Post by web-ed »

  • It's Katie's April Fool's Day Part 2, in which the Cleanup Man launches a counter-plan to deal with Katie and her clones in the stirring conclusion to in Resident Artist Hugob00m's latest O. T. Katie adventure! :lol:
  • Extra Bonus for Dan: Our long-time Resident Artist has always appreciated a pair of pretty legs, so for him we dug up Two Raised Skirts from the Golden Age of comic books.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates for 04/12/2024 - Part 1

Post by willjohn »

web-ed wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:59 pm
  • Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with an homage to the classic moment in Peter Pan when Tink discovers she has wide hips.
  • We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Secretary Spanking #A8. Will these secretaries never learn? :lol:
Surely Tink does not suffer the "Does my arse look big in this?" sickness?
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed,

Thanks for including me in your honor roll.
willjohn wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:49 pm Doctor Cylon continues his Tinker Bell Series with an homage to the classic moment in Peter Pan when Tink discovers she has wide hips.
It looks like she might be figuring out why so many guys fantasize about spanking her!
willjohn wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:49 pm We continue the Rivals of Humorama Series with Secretary Spanking #A8. Will these secretaries never learn.
Typical nasty weather? The secretary is pretty, and has her round backside bared... for a tickling session?
web-ed wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:05 pm It's Katie's April Fool's Day Part 2, in which the Cleanup Man launches a counter-plan to deal with Katie and her clones in the stirring conclusion to in Resident Artist Hugob00m's latest O. T. Katie adventure! :lol:
Thanks for the plug. This is my biggest ever group spanking! Katie and her six clones all getting spanked at once!
web-ed wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:05 pm Extra Bonus for Dan: Our long-time Resident Artist has always appreciated a pair of pretty legs, so for him we dug up Two Raised Skirts from the Golden Age of comic books.

The first one is from the Golden Age featuring twice-spanked Suzie:
Suzie was an interesting comic. There may have only been two spankings that were shown, but there were a few more that were implied, and plenty of missed opportunities.

And, for leg-men, she was always showing them off.
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